Файл: Учебное пособие по английскому языку для студентов дневного и заочного отделений.doc

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5 __________ hard life because they spend 6 __________ time away from friends and family. Twenty-nine-year-olds isn’t 7 __________ purpose to their life. It may sound strange, but there aren’t

8 __________ young people who want to spend their whole life playing games.

1. a a lot of b much c any

2. a many b much c a lot of

3. a any b some c much

4. a some b many c much

5. a some b any c a

6. a a lot of b many c any

7. a a b some c many

8. a much b many c some

III. Какие просьбы и предложения 1-6 совпадают с двумя ответами a-f?

1. Would you like a drink?

2. Let me show you our new offices.

3. Can I post your letters for you?

4. Could you give me Jon’s number, please?

5. Would you please bring me some tea?

6. Could I use your office this afternoon?

a. That would be nice, but I haven’t got much time, I’m afraid.

Thank you. That would be very interesting.

b. I’m sorry, we haven’t got any.

Yes, of course.

c. Sorry. I haven’t got it.

Yes. Just a moment, it’s on the database.

d. Not just now, thanks.

Just a glass of water, please.

e. It’s a bit difficult. Jackie’s using it.

Yes, that’s no problem.

f. Don’t worry, I can do it myself.

Oh, thanks very much!

IV. Выберите верные слова, выделенные курсивом.

A: Good afternoon. 1Could you / Do you want to give me 2some / an information about flights to Lisbon, please? 3 I like to/I’d like to travel on Monday morning at 8 if possible.

B: Monday. OK. 4Let me / Can you check.

A: There aren’t 5 any/some flights at 8, but there’s 6an / some earlier flight at 6:30.

B: How much 7does that cost / is that cost ?

A: 750 euros.

B: That’s 8much / a lot! 9Do you have / Are you having any cheaper flights?

A: Sorry, not then. There’s flight at 15:30 on Sunday which 10costs / is costing 280 euros.

B: 11 Can I / Let me get a seat on that flight?

A: Yes – but there’s only one seat left! 12Do you want to / Do you like to book it?

B: Well, 13I wait / I’m waiting to hear from my colleague.

A: I 14would / could hold it for you, if you like.

V. Заполните пропуски в тексте словами:

partners produce run set up founders

Jack Russell and Ray Fox are the 1__________ of a film company that makes cartoon films. The two 2__________ know each other from their student days. They decided to 3__________ the company after making a video together at university. Now they 4__________ a big organization with over five hundred employees. They 5__________ some of the best known cartoon film in the business.

VI. Заполните текст одним из вариантов, предложенных ниже:

Many companies nowadays use the Internet to 1_________ goods and services to customers 2_________. Some companies maintain huge 3_________ of customer information. Nowadays, different organizations collect so much 4_________ about us, it is difficult to have any 5_________. We need new 6_________ to control the way we use the Internet. For example, can we accept the activities of online 7_________ who try to sell goods by sending out lots of emails that people don’t want? Is it OK for companies to monitor web-browsing 8_________ for example? When someone changes jobs, should one company pass on their personal
9_________ to the new employer?

1. a give b manufacture c offer

2. a online b offline c on sale

3. a databases b collections c stores

4. a source b data c research

5. a status b productivity c privacy

6. a rules b rulers c rudeness

7. a retailers b researchers c reporters

8. a facts b customs c habits

9. a records b reviews c videos

VIII. Заполните диалоги вопросами:

- Do you mean 16 per cent of all Britons?

- Sorry, can you repeat the last number, please?

- Sorry, did you say 16 or 60?

- So that’s about half?

- Sorry, I didn’t catch that.

A: Our survey shows that about 60 per cent of Britons use the Internet.

B: 1 __________________________________________________

A: 60 per cent. And 48 per cent use the Internet for email.

B: 2 __________________________________________________

A: 48 per cent use the Internet for email.

B: 3 __________________________________________________

A: Yes, that’s right. About 16 per cent of people don’t think the Internet is useful or interesting.

B: 4 __________________________________________________

A: Yes, all Britons. About 11 per cent don’t have enough money to buy a computer. But some people just dislike new technology – about 7 per cent in fact.

B: 5 __________________________________________________

A: That was 7 per cent.

IX. Заполните диалоги фразами:

for all your help meet you Would you like to You’re welcome Is it Ok I’m afraid I’m afraid would be very nice Can I introduce

1. A: _______________ my colleague, Patrice Cherbourg?

B: Pleased to _______________.

2. A: _______________ join us at the restaurant this evening?

B: That _______________, thank you.

3. A: Thank you so much _______________.

B: _______________.

4. A: _______________ to use this phone?

B: I’m sorry, it isn’t allowed.

5. A: _______________ I can’t find the details on the computer.

B: Don’t worry. I can check them later.



Ex 1.1. Прочитайте статью и выполните задание:


Designers are the rock stars of the car industry.

The people who design what a car looks like are more important than ever to the success of the world’s big car companies. We live in a designer world and the car designers are at its heart, because they work with the most expensive consumer goods that most people ever buy. These designers are different from other industrial designers, because they are all mad about cars.

Today, designers can make or break car companies. Car makers all use almost the same technology and engineering skills, so the focus is on what the car looks like. This interest in design is not new, but it is even more important now than it was in the past.

In the 1980s all modern cars were beginning to look the same. The manufacturer’s main aim was to make cars that did not displease people. Now designers can be more adventurous. In a competitive market, car bosses want models that stand out.

So what makes a winning design? Most designers use the word “emotion” when describing what makes a successful model. They agree

that the design communicates something important about the car. Some designers think that it can also communicate something about the person who is driving the car. So it is no surprise that the new car designers look as glamorous as rock stars. They know that you have to create a good impression in a person as well as on the road.

Верны (Right) или неверны (Wrong) следующие утверждения или в предложениях об этом ничего не сказано (Doesn't say)?

1. The success of a car company does not depend on how good the designer is

a. right b. wrong c. doesn’t say

2. A car is one of the most expensive things that people buy.

a. right b. wrong c. doesn’t say

3. What a car looks like is more important than how reliable it is.

a. right b. wrong c. doesn’t say

4. Car designers are less exciting now than in the past.

a. right b. wrong c. doesn’t say

5. The sort of car that a person drives can say something about the sort of person that they are.

a. right b. wrong c. doesn’t say

Ex 2.1. Выберите наилучшее определение этим словам и фразам:

1. hand-made

a. manufactured in a factory b. made without machines

2. talented

a. hard working b. having a special ability

3. firms

a. companies or small businesses b. groups of people

4. textile industry

a. businesses manufacturing b. businesses writing texts


5. output

a. production b. shows

6. domestic market

a. sales abroad b. sales in your own country

Ex 2.2. Заполните пропуски следующими словами и фразами:

campaigns famous fashion houses shows

glossy magazines image publicity wear

1____________, such as Versace and Yves Saint Laurent, are choosing celebrities for their advertising 2____________. In the past, supermodels like Cindy Crawford were the main stars of fashion. Now the 3 ____________ are full of photos of beautiful actors such as Nicole Kidman. Louis Vuitton’s latest advertisements feature the singer Jennifer Lopez, and no 4____________ fashion models. Newspapers are more interested in what film stars 5____________ to the Oscars (Academy Awards) than in fashion 6____________. But people in the fashion industry still say that they cannot do without them. They create the 7___________ of the brand and generate a lot of 8____________.

Ex 3.1. Заполните таблицу пропущенными словами, выпишите из словаря их транскрипцию:





















Ex 3.2. Прочитайте текст и переведите:

Companies don’t just sell products. They sell a lifestyle. Nearly everything you buy says something about you: your clothes, your car, your mobile, all show what kind of life you have. Customers choose brands that represent their lifestyle, or the lifestyle they want to have.

Through advertising, companies try to promote an image of the kind of people their customers want to be. For example, Ray-Ban – the sunglasses producer – ran an advertising campaign with photos of strong, dynamic men. The idea was that men who are leaders and heroes wear Ray-Ban.

Another example is Gap. They have a range of clothing for men called StressFree. You can drop something on your trousers and it cleans off immediately. So you have no worries. You can be relaxed and stylish at the same time. The company advertised the clothing with the song, I’m free.

Ex 3.3. Ответьте на вопросы:

1. Companies don’t just sell products. What more do they sell?

2. What three examples does the author give of things that people buy that “say something about who you are”?

3. What kind of men did Ray-Ban show in the photos in their advertising campaign?

4. What kind of people do their customers want to be?

5. Is Gap’s StressFree clothing for men or for women?

6. What two adjectives describe the image of the brand?


Ex 4.1. Заполните таблицу прилагательными, выделенными жирным шрифтом в следующих предложениях:

- Fashion shows are cheaper than advertisements.

- A show is more effective than advertisements.

- The most famous brands are in Paris.

- Ready-made clothes are less expensive than hand-made clothes.

- It is easier to copy than to create a new design.

- Paris has the biggest number of talented designers.

Сравнительная степень


Превосходная степень прилагательных

A короткие прилаг-ые (один слог)

Прил-ое + er

1 ______________

The +прил-ое +est


B короткие прилаг-ые, заканчивающиеся

на –y (один или два слога)

y + ier

2 _______________


C длинные прилаг-ые (более двух слогов)

more/less + прилаг-ое

3 _______________

4 _______________

The most/the least + прилаг-ое

6 ______________

Ex 4.2. Какие из этих прилагательных относятся к типу A, а какие к типу C?

high, fashionable, beautiful, reliable, practical, slow, old, young.

Ex 4.3. Напишите недостающие формы степеней сравнения прилагательных:


cравнительная степень

превосходная степень


more adventurous

the most adventurous




most competitive

more economical


more popular

the safest

more sensible
