Файл: Учебное пособие по английскому языку для студентов дневного и заочного отделений.doc

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Например: 1 I am here since last week. I have been here…

2 I’ve had the same company car for two years.


3 I know Mia since we were at INSEAD together.


4 How long are you with Microsoft?


5 We have had an office in Adelaide for several years.

6 She has an account with HSBC bank since 1998.


7 CPT is in financial difficulties for several months.


8 How long has the office been vacant?


Ex. 6.3. How long …?, for and since

Составьте вопросы и ответьте на них.

1 How long / you / be / in charge of the Finance Department?

A: How long have you been in charge of the Finance Department?

B: (I / six months) I have been in charge of it for six months.

2 How long / you / have a website for investors?

A: _____________________________________________________

B: (We / three months)


3 How long / the property/be on the market?

A: _____________________________________________________

B: (We/2000)


4 How long / Jason / be in the States?

A: _____________________________________________________

B: (He / the 18th)


Ex. 6.4. Перепишите предложения, используя отрицательную форму Present Perfect с foror since.

1 The last time I saw Mr Ng was in September.

I haven’t seen Mr Ng since September.

2 The last time the company made a profit was three years ago.


3 The last time I had a pay rise was two years ago.


4 The last time we looked at their proposal was in July.


5 The last time we raised our prices in real terms was in 2002.


6 The last time we played golf together was three months ago.


7 The last time there was a fall in unemployment here was in 2001.


8 The last time I went on a sales trip abroad was in January.


Ex. 6.5. Продолжите предложения, используя глагол в Present Perfect в отрицательной форме (e.g. Ihaventdone …) и предлоги for или since.


1 I’m not sure what my bank balance is. I haven’t had a statement for several weeks.

2 I don’t know how my investments are doing.


3 I am not sure how the negotiations are going.


4 They used to be one of our major clients, but …


5 I used to be quite good at Japanese, but …


I Problems

Ex. 1.1. Ответьте на вопроы:

What insurance do you or your family have? What insurance do you have to have by law?

Ex. 1.2. Прочитайте предложения и скажите о каких видах страховок идет речь. Заполните пропуски словами: auto, home, commercial, life
1 _________ insurance protects business owners from certain losses, including injured workers and damage to equipment and buildings.

2 __________ insurance provides protection in the event of a death. Payment is made to the nearest relative or other named beneficiary.

3 __________ insurance protects against financial losses if you have an accident. Cover includes medical expenses. Your car is also protected against fire and theft.

4 ___________ insurance can cover fire, weather-related destruction and other losses. The policy covers the cost of labor, materials and services necessary to replace or repair building damages.

Ex. 1.3. Заполните страховые требования (insurance claims) словами:

injured damaged destroyed lost stolen

“There was an accident in the factory and two people were 1 ________. We would like to claim for their medical expenses.”

“There was a bad storm last night and our roof was 2 __________ . we want to claim the cost of repairing it.”

“I’d like to claim for the theft of my car. It was 3 ________ from outside my home during the night.”

“When I was on holiday last week, I 4 __________ my wallet on the beach. I looked everywhere but couldn’t find it. It had € 1,000 inside!”

“We’ve had a fire in the computer room. All the equipment is completely 5 ________. We need to replace it as soon as possible.”
Ex. 1.4. Прочитайте первую часть интервью Айрин Фостер, страхового агента (an underwriter at the insurance company) о том, как устроена страховая компания. Соедините функции a-f с теми людьми, которые их выполняют:

Part one

Interviewer: Can you explain how an insurance company is structured?

Irene: Well, we have three main departments: life products, commercial insurance and private insurance. Each department has a manager who is in charge of the staff and takes care of general administration. Each department also has clerical staff, who answer the phone and deal with online applications and claims. They handle most applications and claims. But when there are special cases, they bring them to the underwriters, who are experts on the products handled by that department. When there is a question about an application for insurance cover, the underwriters make the decision to accept or decline the risk.

1. a manager
2. clerical staff
3. underwriters

a Take care of general administration.

b Handle online and telephone applications and claims

c Agree to accept a risk or not

d Manage staff

e Deal with the majority of applications and claims.

f Take decisions on special cases.

Ex. 1.5. Прочитайте вторую часть диалога и ответьте на вопросы:

Part two

Interviewer: What do you mean by “special cases”?

Irene: Well, for example, if someone is applying for insurance, on the application form we ask the question: “Have you made any previous claims in the last four years?” When someone has made three claims or more in a four-year period, we see that person as “high risk” and we don’t really want to offer them cover. But there may be cases where we can review the situation. For example, a customer who made several claims for theft lived in an area of high crime. But perhaps he has now moved to a new address in a district with less crime. So we can review his case. Sometimes we agree to accept the risk but with special terms and conditions. We may quote a higher premium or offer only limited cover.

1. What example does Irene give of a “high risk” case? Complete the sentence: When someone has made _____________ claims or more in ____________.

2. What example does Irene give of a case where the company may “review the situation”?

3. What special terms does the company sometimes offer in cases of high risk? Complete the sentence: We may quote a ___________ premium or offer only limited __________ .

II Insurance fraud

Ex. 2.1. Сопоставьте слова 1-6 с их значением a-f

1 administration a a request to your insurance company to pay for

damage or loss

2. department b the amount you pay for insurance during a particular


3. claim c the conditions of an agreement or contract

4. premium d tell a customer how much something will cost

5. quote e managing or organizing the work of a company

6. terms f a part, or section, of a company where people do a

particular kind of work

Ex. 2.2. Прочитайте статью, переведите и ответьте на вопросы:

1) How much does insurance fraud cost in the US?

2) What two kinds of technology can be used to identify fraud?

3) How much has Highway Insurance saved as a result of using this technology?

Ex. 2.3. Заполните пропуски в тексте следующими предложениями:

A. The tremors can indicate that they are not telling the truth.

B. “If a fraudulent policyholder decides to opt out, we are happy that their claim just goes away,” says Lawrence.

C. “Now we are able to pass these savings along to our genuine customers.”

D. With VRA, the company is now able to identify that nearly one in five auto theft claims fraudulent.

E. But most often, no one’s going to find out if an average consumer stretches the truth a bit.


INSURANCE FRAUD costs Americans $80 billion a year - $950 per family. This is not just because of large-scale fraud – everyday consumers also contribute to the loss by making dishonest claims.
1____ A new lie detector telephone technology may change that. The Layered Voice Analyzer (LVA) measures micro tremors in the voice to determine the emotional state of speakers. 2_____

A similar system, the Voice Risk Analyzer (VRA), is already in use in the UK and has helped UK companies to make savings. Highway Insurance is a UK-based auto underwriter that uses the VRA in their fraud detection programs. Michael Lawrence, marketing and special projects manager with the company, reports that only 5 per cent of claims for auto theft were thought to be fraudulent before using the system. 3_____

“The analysis takes place in our first stage of screening.” Says Lawrence. The process begins when a policyholder reports a claim to the company’s automated telephone system. The system informs policyholders that their calls may be monitored for fraud-prevention and detection purposes. If the voice analysis reading show a claim to be suspicious, the policyholder is informed that further investigation is required. A live telephone interview is then arranged. VRA readings show that 38 per cent of claims relating to theft are high risk, and 18 per cent are eventually found to be fraudulent.

If policyholders withdraw their claim during the investigation process, the company will take no action.

4_____ As a result of fewer claims and more accurate identification of fraud, Highway Insurance has saved more than £3 million. “Before we started using this technology, we didn’t know how much fraudulent claims cost us, because we didn’t know which claims were fraudulent,” explains Lawrence.5_____ .


insurance fraud - страховое мошенничество

stretch the truth – преувеличивать

tremorsдрожащий голос

apolicyholder - страхователь

suspiciousподозрительный, сомнительный

Ex. 2.4. Заполните пропуски одним из вариантов a-c.

1. The company ____________ all claims to see which ones could be fraudulent.

a. screens b. detects c determines

2. Calls are ____________ using the Voice Risk Analyzer.

a. controlled b. maintained c. monitored

3. If any calls are suspicious, the company ____________ them.

a. invents b. invests c. investigates

4. The VRA system helps to ___________ fraud.

a. prohibit b. prevent c. protect

5. People often _____________ fraudulent claims when they hear that the company will investigate them.

a. contribute b. withdraw c. identify

6. Identifying fraudulent claims has helped the company the company to ____________ money.

a. raise b. spend c. save

III Insurance risks

Ex. 3.1. Прочитайте текст и заполните пропуски словами: telecommunications finance disasters rich investors owner workplace insurance information stock market

For businesses, governments and citizens, misjudging risks can be costly.

The world is a risky place especially for those concerned with business and 1 finance. Globalisation has increased the sense of peril.

Natural and man-made 2_____________ including forest fires, earthquakes, big industrial accidents and various transport disasters, have added to the feeling of danger.

Part of this fear is irrational. The world is not necessarily more dangerous. After all, earthquakes are not affected by a rise in free trade. What has changed is that 3___________ and media coverage now mean that such disasters are reported from even the most distant places.

For most people in 4____________ countries, life has become much safer in a number of important ways. Over the past century their life expectancy has risen by around two-thirds. 5___________, the wider environment and many diseases have become less hazardous. So it is not strictly true to say that life has become more risky; instead, some risks have become smaller and some new ones have arrived.

It is now easier for people to study and learn from past risks by using 6 __________ technology. For example, life-insurance companies have looked back at records of births and deaths to estimate lifespans, and set 7__________ premiums. Thanks to computer models, there is a better chance of predicting a storm or earthquake, epidemiologists are more successful at tracking diseases, and even man-made crises such as 8___________crashes can be catalogued and studied to produce better forecasts. This technology is also providing better information on the costs of the problems when they do occur.

Insurance works by shifting risks from a party that does not want to deal with them to one that does. For example, the cost of a house burning down can be moved from a home 9___________ to the insurance company and its shareholders. A stockmarket listing can shift business risks from a single family to thousands of 10 __________ worldwide.

Ex. 3.2. Верны или неверны следующие утверждения:

1) Globalization has made people feel less worried about danger. - False.

2) Fear of risks is always rational.

3) Over the last 100 years life expectancy has increased by over 65%.

4) Experts want to learn from looking at past risks.

5) Epidemiologists predict storms and earthquakes.

6) Insurance spreads the cost paying for problems from an individual to a group.

Ex. 3.3. Поставьте стадии процесса страхования в правильном порядке.

a. pay premiums

b. settle a claim

d. sign an insurance policy

e. make a claim

f. check terms and conditions

g. get a quote


Ex. 4.1. Изучите таблицу:

Passive Voice
subject+be+V-ed (V3)

Present Simple Passive

subj.+am/is/are+V-ed (V3)

Past Simple Passive

subj.+was/were+V-ed (V3)

Future Simple Passive

subj.+will be+V-ed (V3)

I am shown.

He (she, it) is shown.

We are changed.

(they, you)

I was shown.

He (she, it) was shown.

We were changed

(they, you)

I’ ll be shown.

He (she, it)’ll be shown.

We (they, you)’ll be changed

I am not shown.

He (she, it)isn’t shown.

We aren’t changed.

(they, you)

I wasn’t shown.

He wasn’t shown.

(she, it)

We weren’t changed.

(they, you)

I’ ll not be shown.

He won’t be shown.

(she, it)

We’ll not be (they, you) changed.

Am I shown?

Is he (she, it) shown?

Are we changed? (they, you)

Was I shown?

Was he (she, it) shown?

Were we changed?

(they, you)

Will I be shown?

Will he be shown?

(she, it)

Will we be changed?

(they, you)

Notes: I will = I’ll He will=he’ll You will=you’ll

Ex.4.2. Перепишите предложения, используя глагол в форме страдательного залога. Пропустите подлежащее, если оно не так важно в предложении.