Файл: Учебное пособие по английскому языку для студентов дневного и заочного отделений.doc

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Now companies are under pressure to stop selling bigger portions for less money. But it is hard to change the trend.

Ex. 1.2. Сопоставьте подзаголовки 1-4 с параграфами a-d.

1. Big supermarkets are more efficient

2. Drinks come cheaper in large cans

3. Technology improves food production

4. Supermarkets force producers to cut costs

Ex. 1.3. Являются ли утверждения верными или ложными,

1. It costs less to produce large quantities of food than ever before.

2. Big supermarkets can offer food at lower prices because they can buy in large quantities.

3. Some food producers have reduced their range of products.

4. To meet supermarket demands, Candbury employs more workers than before.

5. Shoppers will buy larger quantities when there is a special price.

6. For the food companies, larger portions are not much more expensive to produce.

7. The writer thinks companies will be happy to reduce the sizes of portions.

Ex. 1.4. Ответьте на вопросы:

1. What are the advantages and disadvantages of large chain stores and small shops?

2. Which do you prefer to shop in?

Ex. 1.5. Сопоставьте слова из текста с их определением.

1. advance a the difference between the cost of production

and the price of the product

2. margin b less important

3. workforce c an amount of food for one person

4. minor d changes that bring improvement

5. portion e the way a situation changes and develops

6. trend f all the people who work in a particular

company or factory
II Ex. 2.1. Распределите слова и словосочетания по колонкам:

cut drop fall lower put up

raise rise reduce push down rocket



Ex. 2.2. Изучите примеры и ответьте на вопрос внизу:

Глагол + дополнение

1. The company has decided not to raise salaries this year.

2. The supermarket raised the price of milk.

Глагол без дополнения

3. Costs are rising all the time.

4. The price of milk rose last month.

Какие из глаголов в упражнении 2.1. используются с дополнением, а какие без?

Ex. 2.3. Выберите один из предложенных вариантов ответа в тексте, переведите текст.

Earn less, spend more?

Growth slows, but customers still spending

Consumer spending in the US 1rose / raised last year, mainly because the oil companies 2 pushed up / rose the price of oil to the highest level for several years. Higher oil prices meant that spending on petrol for cars, as well as home heating, 3 raised / increased. However, salaries did not 4 put up / go up to match the rise in spending. Many companies 5 cut / fell jobs at the start of the year in order to 6 reduce / rocket their costs. These companies are still not 7 increasing / rising their workforce. Economic growth remains slow and current trends seem set to continue.

III. Pricing strategy

Ex 3.1. Какая из стратегий наиболее подходит для увеличения



Profit increase (%)


Reduce costs by one per cent


Increase the volume of sales by one per cent


Increase all its prices by one per cent.

Ex. 3.2. Прочитайте о ценовой стратегии мистера Тейлора, эксперта по маркетингу. Насколько компания может увеличить свою прибыль, применяя каждую стратегию из упражнения 3.1.? Прочитайте первую
часть и заполните таблицу наверху.

Part one

Price is important to everyone. Companies spend a lot of time deciding how to set prices. But they often don’t choose the best method of pricing their products. This can have a huge impact on profitability. A study of 2,400 companies showed what happened when they followed one of three strategies. The first strategy was to reduce costs by one per cent; the second was to increase the volume of sales by one per cent; and the third was to increase all their prices by one per cent. The companies who reduced their costs improved profitability by 2.3 per cent. The companies who increased their volume of sales also had an increase in profitability – of 3.3 per cent. But the companies who increased their prices saw the biggest increase, with profits increased by as much as 11 per cent.

Ex. 3.3. Прочитайте вторую часть и заполните предложения после текста.

Part two

So how should companies set the price for a product? One method is a simple “cost-plus” strategy. You calculate what it costs to produce an item and then you add the profit margin you’d like to have. And that’s your price.

Another method is to find out what your customers are ready to spend on that product. Then you set the price to match.

And a third way is to look at the competition. You see what your competitors are asking for the same kind of product and you set your price at about the same, or lower if you want to be competitive.

Pricing is really difficult to get right and companies have to think carefully about the different factors. For example, ask: Who are your target customers and is a price important for them? A second question is: What kind of product or service are you selling? Because if it’s a quality product or a special service that no one else can offer, then asking a lower price won’t help your sales. Pricing should be a part of your plan. You shouldn’t develop a product and then say: “OK, now let’s think of a price.”

1. The cost-plus method of pricing: “You calculate what it costs to _____________ an item and then you add the _______ _______ you’d like to have.”

2. Another method: “Find out what your ____________ are ready to _________ on that product.”

3. A third way: “Look at the ___________.”

4. Before setting a price, companies should ask two question: Who are the __________ __________ ? What kind of ___________ or ___________ are we ______________?

5. You shouldn’t develop a product and then say: “OK, now let’s ________ ________ ________ ________.”

Ex. 4.1. Изучите таблицу:

Present Perfect

today, recently, already, yet, ever, never, since …

subject +have/has+V-ed (V3) вспомогательныеглаголы – have/has


I (we, have worked.

you, they) have forgotten.

He (she, it) has worked.

has forgotten.


I (we, haven’t worked. you, they) haven’t forgotten.

He (she, it) hasn’t worked.

Hasn’t forgotten.



Have we worked?

you forgotten?



Has she worked?

it forgotten?

Notes: haven’t = have not hasn’t = has not

Ex. 4.2. Какие из этих временных выражений используются со временем Present Perfect, а какие с Past Simple ?

in the last three months last year recently

in recent years six months ago in 1999

Ex. 4.3. Отметьте галочкой верные предложения и исправьте неверные.

1. Two years ago, we have seen big increases in the price of oil.

2. The price fell in the last two days and it is now 5 per cent lower than before.

3. Our competitors reduced their prices in January.

4. We didn’t raise our prices in recent weeks: they are still at the same level as they were two months ago.

5. Have you reviewed your prices recently?

6. We have reviewed our prices in March.

Ex. 4.4. Заполните таблицу:


Past Simple

Past Participle

1. change

2. decrease

3. drop

4. fall

5. go up / down

6. increase

7. rise

8. remain



Ex. 4.5. Раскройте скобки, поставив глаголы в Past Simple или Present Perfect.

1. Yesterday, the exchange rate was € 4.50. Today it is € 4.30. It has gone down (go down) by 20 cents.

2. In 1988 the price per litre was $ 2.50. In 1999 it was $ 3.50. It __________ (increase) by $ 1.00.

3. Last year it cost HKD $ 400 and this year it still costs HKD $ 400. The price _________ (not change).

4. At the start of the week, share price in Tokyo rose by 3,5%. They are not rising now. They ________ (remain) steady.

5. Prices started to fall last year. This year they are still falling very quickly. They ___________(drop) to the lowest point in 10 years.

6. The price was the same in January 2005 as it was in December 2005. Prices ___________ (not rise) in 2005.

Ex. 4.6. Составьте предложения, поставив глаголы в Past Simple или Present Perfect.

1. a I / meet / Mr. Christiansen/1998.

I met Mr. Christiansen in 1998.

b I / know / Mr. Christiansen/1998.


2. a Dyson / build / a factory in Malaysia / 2002.


b Dyson/have / a factory in Malaysia / 2002.


3. a Austria, Finland and Sweden/join/the European Union / 1995.


b Austria, Finland and Sweden / be / members of the European Union / 1995.


Ex. 4.7. Раскройте скобки, поставив глаголы в Past Simple или Present Perfect.

Matrix Media

Matrix Media is a small film company that 1has produced (produce) a number of profitable films in the last few years. Their last success 2__________ (be) in 2002 with Blue Moon over the Water, which 3__________ (make) over $40m in its first six months. The latest news is that Oscar-winning director Ben Loach 4__________ (join) the company as a director and 5__________ (agree) to make three films. At $1.88 the shares look undervalued.

Recommendation: BUY

TRL Engineering

TRL Engineering 6__________ (perform) steadily over recent years, but in the last few months, the share price 7__________ (be) very volatile. In May the company 8__________ (announce) that it had lost a major motorway maintenance contract and in July it 9__________ (issue) a profits warning. Recently the shares 10__________ (recover) from a two-year low, but prospects do not look good.

Recommendation: SELL

Ex. 4.8. Заполните пропуски в диалоге, поставив
глаголы в Past Simple или Present Perfect.

A: Can I have a word about your trip to Dubai?

B: Yes, of course. Is everything OK?

A: Yes. Your tickets 1have arrived (arrive) and they’re in my office now. And I 2______________ (just/had) an email from the hotel confirming your reservation.

B: Which hotel 3______________ (you/book) me into?

A: The Burj Al Arab.

B: Thank you. What about money?

A: I 4____________ (already/order) some Dirhams for you. I 5___________ (ring) the bank yesterday, and they’ll have them tomorrow. And I can get some traveler’s cheques as well if you like.

B: No don’t worry, I 6____________ (never/need) traveler’s cheques before. I normally use a credit card and cash machines.

A: Really? Are you sure you can use your card in Dubai as well?

B: Yes, I think so. I 7__________ (be/to) quite a lot of countries in the Middle East and I 8__________ (never/have) a problem.

A: OK, but have a word with Alison Morgan in Production. I know she 9__________ (go) to Dubai a couple of months ago, so I expect she would know.

V. Ever and never + Present Perfect

Ex. 5.1. Делегации, находящиеся на международной конференции в Японии, знакомятся друг с другом. Напишите вопросы, которые они задают друг другу.

1 you / ever / be / one of these conferences?

Have you ever been to one of these conferences?

2 you / ever / be / Japan before?


3 you / ever / learn a foreign language?


4 you / ever / organize a conference like this?


5 you / ever / work for a Japanese company?


6 you / ever / eat / sushi?


VI. Ever + present perfect and past simple

Ex. 6.1. Раскройте скобки в диалогах, поставив глаголы в Present Perfect или Past Simple.

1 A: Have you ever been (you / ever / be) to Kyoto?

B: Yes, I have. I went (go) there last year.

A: How long did you stay (you/stay)?

B: I was (be) only there for a couple of days for a meeting.

2 A: ________________ (you/ever/be) to Europe?

B: Yes, I have. We __________ (have) a skiing holiday in the Alps last year.

A: Which resort _____________(you go) to?

B: We __________ (go) to Wengen.

3 A: _________________ (you/ever/be) to one of Karl Mason’s seminars?

B: Yes, I have. I __________ (go) to one a couple of months ago.

A: What ___________ (it/be) like?

B: I __________ (think) it __________ (be) very interesting.

4 A: __________ (you/ever/visit) the Frankfurt office?

B: No, I _________________ (never/visit) Germany, but I ____________ (be) to France.

A: Really. When (you/do) that?

B: I __________ (give) some talks there a couple of years ago.

Ex. 6.2. Forand since. Некоторые предложения верны, а некоторые нет. Поставьте галочку напротив предложений, которые верны и исправьте те предложения, которые неверны.