Файл: Учебное пособие по профессиональному иностранному языку для студентов 3 курса.docx

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3. Employee …………. is the process of interviewing and evaluating the candidates for a specific job and selecting an individual for employment based on certain criteria.

a) work b) selection c) choice
4. Each case must be examined on its own ………………..and interpreted in light of all available evidence.

a) merit b) work c) successful
5. A job interview is an …….. consisting of a conversation between a job applicant and a representative of an employer which is conducted to assess whether the applicant should be hired.

a) risk b) interview c) responsibility
6. …………is a legal form of business operation between two or more individuals who share management and profits.

a) Partnership b) Business c) Entrepreneur
Task 4. Form nouns, verbs and adjectives from the following words.




1. selection

2. recruitment

3. legislation

4. ethical

5. apply

Task 1. Watch the video with Keith Darcy, the Executive Director of the Ethics and Compliance Officer Association and complete the sentences with words and phrases from the box below.

system of value scandals formal system very quickly measurable

ninety one

1. The more we can emphasize the good work, the less we have to rely on a………

2. The change is going to happen ………………………

3. Many good companies fall victim to ……………………..

4. ……………. percent of people in organizational life are looking for some help and assistance.

5. We need to improve and to embed a ………… and our organizations and make decisions from that.

6. We see a ………… progress over twenty one years.
Task 3. Watch the video with Keith Darcy, the Executive Director of the Ethics and Compliance Officer Association again and answer these questions.
1. How long has Keith Darcy’s organization been a nonprofit organization?

2. How big is the organization?

3. What steps are important to help people in the organizations understand their responsibilities to law?

4. What sort of measures are necessary to eliminate the possibilities of the risks?

5. What is the aim of the Ethics and Compliance Officer Association?

6. What is the role of ethical management?

7. What are the ways to build a socially responsible organization?

Task 1. Work in pairs. Act out the roles with your partner. Use phrases from the Useful language box below.
Student A: You are a Human Resources Manager. Take an interview from a candidate for knowing some information about the potential job. Develop your questions from the areas of the candidate’s background that merit the most attention, based on the job description and your hiring criteria.
Student B: You are a candidate who is applying for a job as a project manager. The first impression you make on the interviewer can decide the rest of the interview. It is important to introduce yourself, be friendly and polite during the interview, and give your answers in details.


Paraphrasing and checking understanding

- So what you are saying is …………

- I’ll rephrase the question ………

- I entirely understand your question …….

- If I understand correctly ……..

- So your question is …………..

- I see what you are saying …………..

-You mean ………………………..




Used for



Present Simple

a) a general fact and habitual actions;
b) an action that happens regularly and are always true;

c)future timetable;

Verb, Verb+s (he, she, it)

The sun rises in the east.
I work/ Saule works as a human resources manager for the company.

I don’t work/ Murat doesn’t work as a HR manager for the company.

Do you work / Does Saule work as a HR manager for the company?
My flight leaves at 8.00p.m. tomorrow.

Was/were+past participle
The organization is divided


in a hierarchical format.
The organization is not divided in a

classified format.
Is the organization divided in a

hierarchical format?

Present Continuous

a) a specific action that is occurring;

b) a general activity that takes place over a period of time;
c) future arrangements.


Samat is writing a report now.

Samat is not writing a report now.

Is Samat writing a report now?
Samat is living in New York.

Samat is inviting to the presentation of his project on Friday.

is/are being+pp
A report is being written.
A report A report is not being written.
Is report being written?

Present Perfect

a) an action that has recently occurred;

b) an action that began in the past and continues up to the present

(often is used with “for” or “since”);
c) Present Perfect is used with expressions which refer to any time up to now’, like ever, never, before, recently, often, already, yet.

Marat has completed his project.

Has Marat completed his project?

Marat hasn’t completed his project yet.
The use of the project organization in our company has increased since Monday.

Managers haven’t sent the sales report yet.

have/has been+pp
The project has been completed.

Present Perfect Continuous

a) an action repeated over a period of time in the past and continuing in the present.

Have/has been Ving
The Southern California Chapter of the Project Management Institute has been working on a book project for approximately one year.

Have they been working on a book project?

They have not been working on a book project.

Have/has been being done
Recently, the work has been being done by John.

Task 1.Complete the sentences (1-11) with the correct form of the verb in brackets (Present Simple; Present Continuous Tense; Present Perfect and Present perfect Continuous).
1. A managers chief’s focus…….(be) to meet organizational goals and objectives; they typically …………(not take) much else into consideration.

2. Successful programs ……(set) clear guidelines on what actions …….(be) acceptable as employees go about the company's business.

3. These behaviors also …….(associate) with a culture that ……(excuse) ethical failures if corporate objectives …………(meet).

4. Having an engaged workforce ………(help) create a culture of compliance.

5. Subordinates of a manager ……(require) to obey orders while following is optional when it …………(come) to leadership.

6. Leaders……(be) people who ………..(challenge) the status quo.

7. When you ……(make) a major decision for your company, it can be tempting to choose the easiest or most cost-effective course of action.

8. ……you ………(introduce) to the new manager? – Yes, I have been.

9. The staff ……(train) for two weeks.

10. He ……(work) as an executive manager for this company for 18 years.

11. She ……(wait) for you all day.
Task 2. Fill in the gaps with the correct tense (a, b or c).
1. What …… Human Resource Management?

a) is b) are c) be

2. What ……… by Applicant Status?

a) means b) is meant c) meant
3. What .............. ethical behaviour in a business environment?

a) are b) is c) being
4. What ……. the disadvantages of business ethics?

a) are b) is c) be
5. What ……. it mean for a business to be ethical?

a) does b) do c) is
6. Why …….. you want this job?

a) do b) are c) is
7. Leadership and management …………both necessary competencies that add institutional value.

a) is b) are c) be
8. …… you working on a key project now?

a) Do b) Are c) Have
9. What …… you find most difficult when you are managing a project?

a) do b)have c)is
10. They …………. in business since 1980.

a) has been b) have been c) are
A covering letter is a formal document which is important to accompany a job application. It shows the key skills, qualities and experiences to demonstrate that the candidate is perfect for the job.

Put your contact information

Return address

23,April 2021


Mr. George W.Marlon

Boston Transit Authority

57 West City Avenue Boston, MA 02111

Inside address

Dear Sir or Madam with no name

Dear Mr/Mrs/Ms +surname


1. Give a clear reason for writing:

I am writing with regard to ……./to enquire about/to apply for/to express interest in………..

2. Use linking words to join similar ideas into paragraphs.

3. Include a summary comment near the end of your letter:

I hope you will find this information useful.


I would be very grateful for your assistance in this matter.


Close your letter with a set phrase.

I look forward to hearing from you.


Yours faithfully,

Yours sincerely,

Complementary close

Sign your name


Emily Jones

Your first and last name

Task 1. Choose the most appropriate letter (a, b, or c) to answer questions (1-9).
1. A cover letter or covering letter can also be called ………

a) a resume or CV

b) a CV sales letter

c) a letter of application
2. Job applicants must send a cover letter …………… sending their resume.

a) before

b) when

c) after
3. A cover letter should be ………………..

a) clear and concise

b) friendly and funny

c) long and detailed
4. If a cover letter is poorly-written, most employers will …………. the applicant.

a) forgive

b) reject

c) contact
5. Your name should be ……………… of the letter.

a) at the top

b) in the middle

c) at the bottom

6. Which topic isn't normally mentioned in a cover letter?

a) the position

b) the salary

c) the company

7. Your cover letter should explain how much you will ………….. the company.

a) benefit

b) charge

c) disrupt
8. Cover letters often begin with the applicant explaining how they…...

a) began their education

b) spend their free time

c) found out about the job
9. Your cover letter can summarize a key selling point such as your ……..

a) work history

b) medical history

c) relevant experience
Task 2. Choose the correct verb form brackets to complete the covering letter.
Jane Smith

Director, Human Resources

Fit Living

123 Business Rd.

Business City, CA 54321
September 1, 2019
Dear Ms. Smith,

I 1) (am writing/write) to apply for the position of Social Media Manager for Fit Living, as advertised on your website careers page on 13 June (reference WRF/236).

I 2) (am/ am being numerate), I have good personal skills, and I am very interested in Social Media Management. I 3)(understand/am understanding) Internet and social media trends and I am good at communicating with people.

As you can see from my CV, I 4)(have/am having) three years of experience as a Social Media Assistant for Young Living, and I 5) (believe/am believing) I am ready to move to the manager position. I 6) (think / am thinking) this gives me a good background for the job.

Within six months, I 7) (increased/ was increasing) our followers by over 50 percent and 8) (rose up/was rising up) engagement by 80 percent. I am very proud of that accomplishment. Currently, I 9) (am working/work) to build a following with the best influence in our niche.

I would be very pleased to have the opportunity to discuss this application further. You can contact me by email at: p.couch@meganet.com. I 10)(am looking/look) forward to hearing from you.
Yours sincerely,

Peter Couch
Task 2. Read the model answer again in Task 1. Label the paragraphs of the covering letter with words and phrases from the box.

Closing Typed name Inside address Date Body Salutation

Complementary close

Task.3. Write a covering letter to apply for the company.
Summarize the main points you will add value to the company. Include examples of specific accomplishments from previous jobs. Try to quantify your successes when possible to clearly demonstrate how you could add value at the company.

Task 1. Look at the picture below and explain the role of ethics in a business environment.

Task 2. Read the speech and then complete the sentences below. Write one word in each space.
Today I’m going to talk about business and ethics. First I’ll look at what is meant by business ethics. Then I’ll examine the kind of ethical considerations companies need to address, how they can go about doing business in a more ethical way, and look at some examples of ethical business practices. So what are business ethics and why are they seen as important in today’s business climate? Business ethics relate to how a company conducts its business in order to make a profit. Although the primary goal of the company may be to make money, it also recognizes that it has a responsibility towards the society in which it operates. The term ‘corporate social responsibility’ is often used, and nowadays many companies have strong corporate social responsibility programmes designed to help create a prosperous, inclusive society. Now I’ll look at some basic ethical considerations that a company needs to address. The first area is how the company treats its employees. All employees should be treated fairly and with respect. A company that cares for its workers’ welfare will tend to have a happier workforce and a lower turnover of staff. It is also important that workers are recruited on a basis of equal opportunity. The second area is how a company conducts its day-to-day business. In a manufacturing business, this includes how suppliers of raw materials are chosen and treated. A good example of this is the Fair Trade movement. This initiative ensures that small-scale farmers are paid directly and at a fair price for their crops. A company should also look at its policy on paying suppliers, and ensure that payments are made on time. Another ethical consideration is the impact the business has on the environment. Manufacturing companies should strive to ensure that production is clean and careful, and look for ways to minimize energy consumption and waste products. Finally, a company can also decide to give something back to the community it operates in. This can be in the form of ‘corporate giving’ programmes, where donations are given to community projects, or by initiating schemes to improve the local community and encouraging employees to work on these schemes.

(Adapted from https://list-english.ru/audio/BritishCouncil)
1. Business and ethics relate to how company conducts its business to make ____.

2. Corporate social _________ programmes help create prosperous inclusive ___.

3. Employees should be treated _______ and with respect.

4. Recruitment on basis of ___________ opportunity.

5. ___________ businesses should choose suppliers carefully

6. Companies should pay suppliers on _________.

7. Companies should minimize _________ consumption and waste products

8. Can give_________ to community projects.
Task 3. Match the words and phrases (1-6) with the correct definitions (a-f). Read the text in Task 1if necessary.

    1. equal opportunities

    1. welfare

    1. ethics

    1. corporate giving

    1. Fair Trade

    1. Corporate social responsibility

a) recognizing duties and obligations towards society.

b) principles or rules of conduct accepted by society.

c) physical and mental health and happiness.

d) helping small-scale producers by paying a fair price for commodities,

e) treating people equally regardless of gender, age, marital status, sexual orientation, disability, race or religion.

f) donations from companies to local communities.
Task 4. Answer the following questions.
1. How far do you agree with the idea from the article about business and ethics?

2. What can you do to improve an ethical climate at your company?
Task 5. Work in groups of 3-4 students. Prepare a short presentation on why your favorite company should win the award nominated for ‘Socially Responsibly Employees 2021’.
Take into consideration the following points:
1. Research how the organization you have chosen is socially responsible.

2. Have facts why the organization you have chosen is socially responsible.

3. Identify and explain dimensions of business environment of the company: (a) social environment; b) technological environment; c) economic environment; d) political environment b) legal environment.