Файл: Технологический университет.docx

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Much, many, (a) little, (a) few



time, water ,love



books, women, friends


a lot of

time, books, love

мало (плохо)


time, water, love

мало (хорошо)

a little

time, water, love

мало (плохо)


books, women, friends

мало (хорошо)

a few

books, women, friends

Вопросительные местоимения

Who – кто?

Who invented the radio?

Who did you invite?

Whose – чей?

Whose book did you take?

What – что, чей?

What did you ask?

What book did you take?

Why – почему?

Why did you come?

Which – который, какой, что?

Which student works hard?

Which of you speaks French?

When – когда?

When did you come?

How many/how much?

How many books have you bought?

How much have you read?

Where – где, куда

Where is he?

Where did he go?

How often – как часто?

How often do you come here?

How - как

How did you get there?

Спряжение глагола to be

Present Simple

Утвердительная форма

Вопросительная форма

Отрицательная форма

I am

Am I?

I am not

He, she, it is

Is he, she, it?

He, she, it is not/ isn’t

We, you, they are

Are we, you, they?

We, you, they are not/ aren’t

Past Simple

Утвердительная форма

Вопросительная форма

Отрицательная форма

I, he, she, it was

Was I, he, she, it?

I, he, she, it was not/wasn’t

We, you, they were

Were you, they, we?

We, you, they were not/ weren’t

Future Simple

Утвердительная форма

Вопросительная форма

Отрицательная форма

I, we shall be

Shall I, we be?

I, we shall not/shan’t be

You, we, they will be

Will you, we, they be?

You, we, they will not/ won’t be

Глагол to have

Present Simple

Утвердительная форма

Отрицательная форма

Вопросительная форма

I, you, we, they have/ have got

I, you, we, they don’t have/haven’t got

Do I, we, you, they have?

Have I, you, we, they got/

He, she, it has/ has got

He, she, it doesn’t have/ hasn’t got

Does he, she, it have?

Has she, he, it got?

Past Simple

Утвердительная форма

Вопросительная форма

Отрицательная форма

I, you, he, she, it, we, they had

Did I, you, he, she, it, we, they have?

I, you, he, she, it, we, they didn’t have

Future Simple

Утвердительная форма

Вопросительная форма

Отрицательная форма

I, we shall have

Shall I, we have?

I, we shall not/ shan’t have

You, she, he, they will have

Will you he, she, they have?

You, she, he, they will not/ won’t have

Повелительное наклонение

Утвердительная форма

Отрицательная форма

Close the door, please! – Закройте дверь, пожалуйста!

Open the window, please! – Откройте окно, пожалуйста!

Don’t close the door, please! – Не закрывайте дверь, пожалуйста!

Don’t open the window, please!- Не открывайте окно, пожалуйста!

Оборот There is/are


Утвердит. форма

Вопросит. форма

Отрицательн. форма


There is a lamp on the table

There are some books on the table

Is there a lamp on the table?

Are there any books on the table?

There is no/there isn’t any lamp on the table

There are no/ there aren’t any books on the table

Прошедшее/ Past

There was much bread in the fridge

There were many books on the table

Was there much bread in the fridge?

Were there many books on the table?

There was no/wasn’t any bread in the fridge

There were no/weren’t any books on the table

Будущее/ Future

There will be much snow tomorrow

There will be many new houses next year

Will there be much snow tomorrow?

Will there be many new houses next year?

There will be no/won’t be any snow tomorrow

There will be no/won’t be any new houses next year

Simple Tenses

Present Simple Tense

Утвердительная форма

Вопросительная форма

Отрицательная форма

I work

Do I work?

I don’t wok

He, she, it works

Does he, she, it work?

He, she, it doesn’t work

We work

Do we work?

We don’t work

They work

Do they work?

They don’t work

Сводка случаев употребления Present Simple(Indefinite)

1. Действие обычное, постоянное, свойственное подлежащему

I get up at 8 o’clock

Я встаю в 8 часов

2. Действие, происходящее в момент речи, с глаголами не употребляющимися в Present Continuous. (to be, to know, to understand, to think, to want, to like, to see, to hear, to have…)

I don’t understand it

I see a ship in the distance

Я этого не понимаю

Я вижу судно вдали

3. Будущее действие в придаточных предложениях условия и времени, которые вводятся союзами if, when, as soon as, before, after, till, until

If he comes, I shall ask him about it.

I shall go to bed when I finish my work.

Если он придет, я спрошу его об этом.

Я лягу спать, когда закончу свою работу.

4. Общеизвестные истины

The sun rises in the east and sets in the west

Солнце встает на востоке и садится на западе

5. Для выражения действия в будущем (как и настоящее время в русском языке), когда речь идет о заранее намеченном действии ( транспорт, концерт, курсы и т.п.)

The train leaves at 10 o’clock

When does the film start?

Поезд отходит в 10 часов

Когда начинается фильм?

Past Simple Tense

Утвердительная форма

Вопросительная форма

Отрицательная форма

I worked/saw

Did I work/see?

I didn’t work/see

He, she, it worked/saw

Did she, he it work/see?

He, she it didn’t work/see

We worked/saw

Did we work/see?

He, she, it didn’t work/see

You worked/saw

Did you work/see?

You didn’t work/see

They worked/saw

Did they work/see?

They didn’t work/see