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Контрольная работа № 1

Для правильного выполнения задания №1 необходимо изучить и усвоить следующие основные разделы грамматики английского языка.

  1. Имя существительное (Noun).

Основные темы: единственное и множественное число, артикль, предлоги, выражение падежных отношений в английском языке с помощью предлогов и окончания –s, существительное в функции определения и его перевод на русский язык.

  1. Имя прилагательное (Adjective).

Основные темы: степени сравнения имен прилагательных, конструкции «the more …..the less».

3. Числительное (Numeral).

4. Местоимение (Pronoun).

Основные темы: все виды местоимений английского языка (личные, притяжательные, отрицательные, указательные и т.д.).

  1. Настоящее простое время (The Indefinite Tense).

Основные темы: настоящее простое время (Рrеsent Indefinite Tense); прошедшее простое время (Past Indefinite Tense); будущее простое время (Futurе Indefinite Tense), спряжение глаголов to be, to have в Present, Past и Future Indefinite, повелительное наклонение и его отрицательная форма.

  1. Простое предложение (The Simple Sentence).

Основные темы: порядок слов в английском предложении, повествовательное предложение, побудительное предложение, утвердительная и отрицательная форма предложения, порядок слов в вопросительных предложениях, обороты there is (аге).

7. Словообразование (Word Formation).

Тренировочные упражнения

  1. Поставьте следующие существительные во множественном числе:

A wall, a desk, a bird, a road, a day, a week, a bush, a pen, a table, a plate, a fox, a room, a car, a knife, a chair, a bus, a lady, a book, a pig, a house, a family, a flag, a town, a wolf, a country, a lion, a lorry, a computer, a dictionary, a thief, a picture.

  1. Поставьте существительные во множественное число:

A plant, a woman, a mouse, a peach, a banana, a brush, a star, a mountain, a tree, a king, a man, a baby, a shelf, a box, a lemon, a boy, , a toy, a sheep, an airport, a deer, an eye, a theatre, an ox, a life, a shilling.

  1. Поставьте следующие предложения во множественное число:

This is a monkey. 2. That is a snail. 3. Is this a pen? 4. Is that a sofa? 5. Is the door open? 6. This isn’t a house. 7. It is a pig. 8. It is not a boy. 9. There is a book on the table. 10. There isn’t a knife on it.

  1. Перефразируйте следующие словосочетания и предложения, употребляя притяжательный падеж:

The ball of the cat. 2. The room of my brother. 3. The voice of this boy. 4. The letter of Ann. 5. The flat of my cousin is large. 6. The room of the girls is large. 7. The work of these students is interesting. 8. The computer of my daughter is modern. 9. He was a friend of my cousins. 10. The life of this woman.

  1. Вставьте артикль:

This is …pen. It is my… pen 2. Is this your… book? – No, it’s not my …..book, it is my sister’s….. book. 3. I have …. brother. My …..brother is …..teacher. My brother’s….. wife is….. doctor. 4. I have no …..bag. 5. She has got…..toothache. 6. He has got …..laptop. …..laptop is new. 7. My…..friends have got …..dog and …..parrot. 8. I can see two…..girls. …..girls are playing. 9. My …..sister’s …..friend has no …..parrot.

  1. Вставьте артикль:

This is …..pizza. ….pizza is tasty. 2. In the afternoon I eat …..soup. 3. She gave me …..tea and …..cookie. ….. tea was hot. …..cookie was tasty. 4. Do you need …..camera? 5. He never eats …..meat, he always eats …..vegetables. 6. This is …..milk. …..milk is fresh.

  1. Вставьте артикль:

1.Ann and Mike had …..French lesson last Monday. …..teacher asked them many …..questions. …..questions were difficult. 2. Where is your sister? – She is in ….. park. She is sitting on …..bench. 3. …..sun is shining brightly. 4. …..Mars is …..planet. 5. What’s …..weather like today? - …..weather is fine. 6. Peter is doing his …..homework. 7. …..dog is white.

  1. Вставьте артикль, где необходимо:

1. There was …..party at …..club last Friday. 2. We have …very big cat. …..cat is very beautiful and clever. 3. I saw….plate of …..soup ….. on ….. table. 4. Ann`s daughter is …..professor of …. ….Philosophy. 5. My friend has …..very good computer. 6. There was …..red rose in this ….vase last Monday. Where is …..rose now? 7. Our teacher asked us …very difficult question. We didn`t know …answer to it.

  1. Вставьте артикль, где необходимо:

Once …..Englishman was traveling in…..France. He stopped at …..hotel in …..little French town. It was …..evening, …..man was tired, so he had …..breakfast in …..hotel restaurant. After …..breakfast he went for …..walk. He walked along …..streets of …..town, visited …..museum and …..shops. Presently he felt hungry and dropped into

…..cafe for ….lunch. He sat down at …..table, called …..waiter and ordered …..mushrooms. But …..Englishman did not know …..French and …..waiter did not know …..English. Nobody in ….cafe could speak ….English. Then …..Englishman took …..piece of …..paper and …..pencil and drew the picture of …..mushroom. …..waiter looked at …..picture and left …..room at once. Five minutes later he returned with …..umbrella.

  1. Образуйте сравнительную и превосходную степень следующих прилагательных:

Clever, long, black, dirty, thick, hot, short, silly, great, red, thin, fat, nice, wide, deep, dry, early, brave, cool, high, cute, weak, dark, light, old.

  1. Переведите на английский язык:

Самый старший, читайте дальше, старый, самый дальний, старше, мой старший брат, самый старый, , мой старый друг, дальше, хуже, лучше, наименьший, больше, меньше, наихудший, наилучший.

  1. Переведите на английский язык:

Самая интересная история, интересная история, более интересная история. 2. Длинный мост, более длинный мост, самый длинный мост 3. Важный урок, более важный урок, самый важный урок. 4. Плохая работа, более плохая работа, самая плохая работа. 5. Хороший учитель, более лучший учитель, самый лучший учитель. 6. Красивый свитер,
более красивый свитер, самый красивый свитер. 7. Темная аллея, более темная аллея, самая темная аллея.

  1. Вставьте as ….as или so ….as или the…the…:

James is …..tall …..Boris. 2. (Expensive) the hotel, (better) the service. 3. (Soon) we leave, (early) we will arrive. 4. This book is not …..thin…. that one. 5. (Much) I thought about the plan, (little) I liked it. 6. Ann is not …..nice …..Sue 7. (Warm) the weather, (good) I feel. 8. My room is …light …this one. 9. (Much) electricity you use, (high) your bill will be. 10. (Young) you are, (easy) to learn.

  1. Say in words:

18 – eighteen – the eighteenth, 10, 12, 15, 16, 17, 19, 21, 22, 25, 29, 43, 45, 70, 101, 170, 78, 65, 66, 33, 88, 99, 37, 123.

What number comes: after: 9, 10, 100, 205, 55, 79, 32, 1352, 875, 3333, 8563, 150; before: 17, 20, 49, 81, 92, 199, 233, 455, 5007, 9628, 30891.

  1. Вставьте нужное местоимение:

We know ….well. They are friends of …... 2. That is Peter`s copy-book. Give …..to him. 3. Do you know that girl? – Yes, I know ….4. They invited Mike to stay with …..in …..flat. 5. Give me ….book and I’ll give you ….. 6. The bag is heavy. What is there in …..? 7. Look at them! …..are playing like kids. 8. Mike likes to eat. …..dinner is always big. 9. Jeans always stay in fashion. People like …..10. She washed …..hands and face.

  1. Вставьте a, the, some или оставьте пропуски незаполненными:

1.Did you meet…..Peter… on your way to school? 2. Wait…..minute! …..coffee is very hot – I’d like …..milk, please. – I prefer …..black coffee. 3. Have you… relations? – No, I haven’t…, I have …relations. 4. Do you know…..about Chinese art? 5. Are there …cinemas or theatres in your town? – There aren’t …cinemas, but there is a theatre in it. 6. How could I know that he was ill? …..told me…..7. I’ve just made…..coffee. Would you like…..? 8. Is there…..for young people – a zoo, interesting museums? – I am sorry, there is …..zoo in our town, but there are …museums, …discos in it. 9. Give me …..water please. I am thirsty. …..water in this river is always cold. …..water is necessary for animals and plants.

  1. Переведите на английский язык:

Много книг, много фруктов, много сыра, много хлеба, мало домов, мало воды, мало кофе, мало апельсинов, немного мебели, мало денег, несколько стульев, мало чая, много тетрадей, много карандашей, мало мела, мало цветов, несколько часов, несколько минут, мало машин, мало дверей.

  1. Вставьте much, many, little, a little, few, a few [10]:

When we walked …..farther down the road, we met another group of students. 2. Have you ….money on you? – I’m sorry. I have very …..money at the moment. 3. At the conference we met …..people whom we knew well. 4. If you have ….spare time, look through this book. You will find …..interesting stories there. 5. Shall I bring …..more chalk? – No, thank you. There is …..chalk on the desk. 6. He had …..English books at home, so he had to go to the library. 7. She gave him …..water to wash his face and hands. 8. I’d like to say …..words about my journey. 9. After the play everybody felt …..tired. 10. Let’s stay here …..longer: it is such a nice place.

  1. Вставьте глагол to be в Present Simple [10]:

What…..your name? – My name….John Smith. 2. Where ….you from? – I….from New York. 3. What ….you? – I…..a student. 4. …..your father a teacher? – My father…..not a teacher, he….a scientist. 5. …..your aunt a doctor? – Yes, she…..6. …..you an engineer? – Yes, I…..7. …..this your watch? – Yes, it…..7. What …your uncle? – he….an office worker. 8. …..you from Moscow? – No, I …..not, I…..from Korolev. 9. …..they at home? – No, they ….not. They….at work. 10. …..your sister at school? – No, she….not, she….at home.

  1. Вставьте глагол to be в Past Simple [10]:

The weather…..fine. It…..sunny and warm. 2. My children…..at school, and my husband…..at work. 3. I…..in the garden. There…..many flowers in it.4. It….in May. I….happy. 5. ….you at home yesterday? – No, I…..not, I…..at work. 6. We….in the park yesterday! – Really? Which park…..you in? 7. Where…..you yesterday? – We….in the cinema. 8. What….your grandpa? – He…a pilot. 9. ….they in the theatre yesterday? – Yes, they….10. Why….not he at home yesterday? – He….ill, he…in hospital.

  1. Вставьте глагол to be Future Simple [10]:

The students …..in the Russian Museum tomorrow. 2. …..they in Gorky Park next week? – Yes, they…..3. There….an interesting exhibition there. 4. When ….they in the Tretyakov Gallery? – They…..there in two weeks. 5. I….a doctor when I grow up.6. …..you at home tomorrow? – No, I…... I….at work. 7. When I come home tomorrow, all my family …..at home. 8. Where……your sister tomorrow? – She….in bed, because she is ill.9. …..he in Moscow tomorrow? – No, he……10. Where ….you next month? – I think, I….in New York.

  1. Вставьте глагол to be в Present, Past или Future Simple [10]:

Ronald Frank …..a managing director of the First Bank of Kingsville on Main Street. He…..always on a business trip. Yesterday he…..in Geneva. Tomorrow he…..in London. Last week he …..in Chicago. Next week he…..in New Orleans. At the moment he….in Amsterdam. In two hours he …..in the Hague. Three days ago he…..in Paris. At the end of the trip he…..usually very tired but happy. He…..with his family now. His sons…..so much excited. Everybody in the family….very glad to see him at home again.

  1. Вставьте глагол to have в Present Simple [10]:

I…..two grandmothers, but I…..not any grandfathers.2. ….you any sisters or brothers? – I….one sister, but I not….any brothers.3. ….you any car? – Yes, we…., it’s a Métis.4. My mother….two aunts, but she not……any uncles. 5. How many friends you……? – I……a lot of friends. 6. What we …..for breakfast? - We…..some eggs, porridge and tea or coffee.7. How many lessons you…..every Saturday? – Usually we…..five or six lessons.

  1. Вставьте глагол to have в Past Simple [10]:

Last year I …..two grandmothers, but I not….any grandfathers. 2. …..you any sisters or brothers when you were a child? – I…..one sister, but I not…..any brothers. 3. …any car last year? – Yes, we…., it was a Métis. 4. My mother…..two aunts, but she not…..any uncles.5. How many friends you…..in New York? – I…..a lot of friends. 6. What you…..for breakfast yesterday? – We… two eggs, some porridge and coffee. 7. How many lessons you…..last Saturday? – We…5 lessons.

  1. Вставьте глагол to have в Future Simple [10]:

Next year we….a new car. 2. Really? What car you……? 3. I think we…..a Mercedes. 4.What you….for breakfast tomorrow? – I think I ….some porridge and a cup of coffee. 5. How many lessons you….next Saturday? – We….five lesson next Saturday. 6. How many children you….when you grow up? – I think, I…..2 children. 7. I hope you…a good time in New York – I hope so!

  1. Переведите на английский язык [10]:

1. Не давайте никому это письмо! 2. Статью не переводите! 3. Дайте письмо, пожалуйста! 4. Текст не читайте! 5. Переведите статью, пожалуйста! 6. Не ходите сюда! 7. Читайте текст, пожалуйста! 8. Подойдите сюда, пожалуйста!

  1. Поставьте нужную форму конструкции There is/are [10]:

1.…..any beautiful flowers in her garden? 2. …….a lot of beautiful flowers in here garden 3…….not any new houses in our street next year. 4. ….many new houses in our street next year? 5. Next year …..many new houses in our street. 6. …..any meat in the fridge? – Yes, ….a lot of meat in the fridge. 7. Many years ago ….a large field here.8. ……a large field here many years ago? 9. ….not any new houses here many years ago. 10. …..not any beautiful flowers in her garden. 11. ……not any salt in our house.

  1. Раскройте скобки, употребляя Present Simple [10]:

1.What time she usually (to have) breakfast? 2. What Mike often (to watch) on TV? 3. It (to take) me 1 hour. 4. At half past nine I (to walk) with my dog. 5. My brother (to be) a pupil and he (not to get) up at 7. 6. My day (to begin) at nine o’clock in the office. 7. Kate (not invite) her friends at home. 8. When she (to read) the book? 9. He (not go) skating in winter. 10. I (to get up), (to wash) my face and hands, (to go) in the park and (to do) my workout.

  1. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Past Simple [10]:

1.He (not to work) at the plant last year. 2. Her husband (to repair) car in the garage. 3. We (to glad) to see our friends yesterday. 4. What Kate (to wash) after the dinner? 5. Why his mother (to shout) at him? 6. Mr. Smith (to wait) the bus yesterday. 7. Ann (to cook) a delicious turkey last Christmas 8. What your grandparents (to do) last Tuesday? 9. Your father (to work) hard last month? 10. Their daughter (to help) the grandmother to clean the yard.

  1. Раскройте скобки, употребляя Present или Past Simple [10]:

1.We (to go) at the office at 9 o’clock yesterday. 2. You often (to read) the newspapers? 3. Kate always (to take) the taxi after the party? 4. He (to walk) with his dog at 10 o’clock every day. 5. His brother (to study) vocabulary every day. 6. They rarely (to write) letters. 7. We (not to do) this work yesterday. 8. Nick (to arrive)in Moscow at 6 o’clock yesterday? – No, he….. Yesterday he (to arrive) in Moscow at half past eight. 9. Mike (to return) home late yesterday? 10. Mary (to speak) French three hours ago.

  1. Откройте скобки, употребляя Future Simple [10]:

1.Mary (to go) to London next autumn. 2. What you (to do) next weekend? 3. You (to do) your work tomorrow? 4. I (to go) for a walk with my children tomorrow. 5. He (to arrive) in Manchester tomorrow. 6. She (not to study) English next year. 7. Kate (not to write) letter to him tomorrow. 8. We (to learn) physics next year. 9. They (to visit) their parents next Saturday? 10. I am sure you (to enter) the university.

  1. Раскройте скобки, употребляя Present, Past, Future Simple [10]:

1. His friends (to go) to London last year. 2. If you (to be) in Tokyo now, Ann (to go) sightseeing. 3. Before Mike (to return) home, he (to go) to the supermarket. 4. What Peter (to do) next Sunday? 5. They (to return) me this text-book tomorrow? 6. Where Ann (to go) next summer? 7. Why Kate (come) home so late yesterday? 8. You (to come) at Ann`s place last Monday? 9. Your brother (not to like) to play chess. 10. Why you (not to help) Kate yesterday? 11. Where she (to chat) every day? 12. When you (to cross) the park, you (to see) the glass building. 13. If you (to translate) this article into English, I (to use) it in my report. 14. When you (to go) to bed every day? 15. When your son (to come) to London, we (to go) to the Westminster Abby.