Файл: Практикум Челябинск 2020 удк 811 ббк 81. 2.docx

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Text 2. The Modern System of Higher Education in Russia

One of the important events in the development of the system of modern higher education occurred in 2003 when Russia signed the Bologna Declaration. The Bologna Process is a convergence and unification of the higher education systems of European countries with a view to creating a unified space for higher education. The declaration was signed by 47 countries, including Russia. Similar levels of higher education give students from different countries the possibility of free movement between universities during the period of study (internships and international exchanges for both teachers and students, participation in international projects), as well as employment in any participating country of the Bologna Process without the need to confirm a diploma or obtain additional education.

By 2010, Russia reformed the national education system in accordance with the main provisions of the Bologna Declaration: along with specialization and postgraduate study, bachelor's and master's degrees were introduced, as is customary in European universities. Russian universities began to give to the graduates a single sample for bachelor's and master's degrees, as well as a European supplement to the diploma in English, which is necessary for continuing education or employment abroad.

Levels of education

According to the latest Russian legislation, there are three levels of higher education in our country:

1. Higher education - bachelor's degree;

2. Higher education - specialty, master's degree;

3. Higher education - training of highly qualified personnel.

Bachelor's program

Bachelor is an academic degree, which a student of a higher educational institution receives after acquiring and confirming basic knowledge in the chosen area of ​​training (specialty). Admission to the bachelor’s degree is madeon a competitive basis based on the results of the Unified State Exam (USE), but this applies only to applicants with a secondary general education. Graduates of professional educational organizations (colleges, technical schools) enter the undergraduate programs for internal entrance examinations on the basis of a diploma. Bachelor has the right after taking special exams to enter the next level of education and obtain a master's or specialist degree. Bachelor's degree providesample opportunities for employment due to the basic, basic, knowledge necessary to start a career. Duration of study in the bachelor's degree is 4 years for graduates of ordinary 11-year schools and, as a rule, 3 years for graduates of professional educational institutions. Also, the bachelor's program expands opportunities for further training and employment abroad, since the bachelor's degree is accepted according to the international classification and is understandable to employers all over the world.

Master's Courses

Master is the second part of a two-tier system of higher education, which produces professionals with more in-depth specialization. Duration of training is 2 years. For admission, you must pass a special qualification exam, which is determined by the university, and pass through the competition. Both bachelors, and experts can enter to the Master's Courses. And it is absolutely not necessary that it is the same educational organization. The degree of the master grants the right to further education in graduate school.


This is a traditional stage for Russian higher education which existed before the signing of the Bologna Declaration by Russia and still exists. The specialty includes both basic education and special training within the chosen direction. The receipt is made on the basis of the results of the USE. The term of study is 5 years on full-time education, 6 years –on part-time learning. The specialty gives the right to enter a master's or graduate school. Qualification "specialist" is considered the second stage of higher education, as well as a master's degree. Therefore, admission to the magistracy will be considered a second higher education. And also a specialist, unlike a bachelor, can enter a graduate school.
Postgraduate School

Postgraduate School is a separate level of higher education in Russia, the purpose of which is to prepare for the degree of candidate of science. The academic degree is awarded to a graduate student after passing the candidate's minimum (examinations) and defending the dissertation. Training in postgraduate studies, as a rule, lasts for three years, and in the part-tine learning - four years.

Practical tasks
Task 1. Read and translate the text, write out new words.

Task 2. Find the following words and word combinations in English in the text, translate them into Russian. Complete the table. Learn them. Make sentences with them.





to sign




in accordance





to award

Task 3. Translate words from the text from Russian. Learn them. Complete the table.



высшее образование



международные обмены


приложение к диплому

уровень образования




приобретения и подтверждения основных знаний


единый государственный экзамен




Task 4. Find the sentences in the text. Complete the table.



  1. Болонский процесс — это сближение и унификация систем высшего образования европейских стран.

  1. Россия подписала Болонскую декларацию в 2003 году.

  1. К 2010 году Россия реформировала национальную систему образования в соответствии с основными положениями Болонской декларации.

  1. Российские вузы стали выдавать всем выпускникам европейские приложения единого образца к дипломам бакалавра и магистра.

  1. Бакалавр имеет право после сдачи специальных экзаменов поступить на следующую ступень образования и получить степень магистра или специалиста.

  1. Степень бакалавра принята по международной классификации и понятна работодателям во всем мире.

  1. Магистратура выпускает профессионалов с более углубленной специализацией.

  1. В магистратуру могут поступать как бакалавры, так и специалисты.

  1. Специалитет включает как базовое образование, так и специальную подготовку в рамках выбранного направления.

  1. Квалификация «специалист» считается второй ступенью высшего образования, как и магистратура.

  1. Аспирантура — это отдельный уровень высшего образования в России, цель которого — подготовка к соисканию ученой степени кандидата наук.

Task 5. Read Grammar References in the Annex Table 3 «The Main Types of Questions», Unit 1 «General Questions». Ask General Questions to the text beginning with:



Is the Bologna Process… ?

Was the declaration… ?

Did one of the important events…?

Do similar levels of higher education…?

Did Russia … by 2010?

Is a European Diploma supplement…?

Do Graduates of professional educational organizations…?

Does Bachelor's degree…?

Must you…?

Does the specialty…?

Will admission to the magistracy…?

Can a specialist…?

Task 6. Read Grammar References in the Annex Table 3 «The Main Types of Questions», Unit 2 «Special Questions». Practice this grammar material in following exercises:

Exercise 1: Make sentences from the words. Complete the table.

  1. are / this / at / Why / like / looking / you / me?

  1. do / to / university / What / enter / you / want?

  1. Nick / his / How / does / after / disease / feel?

  1. How / were / people / there / the / many / street / in?

  1. are / holidays / Where / for / you / going / your? 

Exercise 2.Ask special questions to the sentences beginning with the words given in brackets.

Example: I saw him yesterday. (where?) - Where did you see him?


Special question

  1. Some children do stupid things.


  1. I am looking for my watch.


  1. His penfriend lives in London.


  1. We met after school yesterday.


  1. She'll come to the party.


  1. English is spoken in many countries.

What countries_____________________________?

  1. He was not prepared for the test.


  1. They were playing a game when I came.

What game_________________________________?

  1. I have made some mistakes in this exercise (how many?)

How many_____________________________?

  1. He has given me his old camera.


  1. He will pass the exam next month.


Exercise 3. Write questions to the sentences.

Example: I'll change my hobby. - Why will you change your hobby?

They didn't expect me when I came.

You can find out the timetable of trains at the railway station.

They have practiced the song for two days.

I will never scold my own children.

Ted was lucky to join the basketball team.

He visited his aunt in summer.

My father likes to travel by train.

She has never been at a big railway station.

We buy railway tickets at the booking-office.

Some children go to school by bus.

He usually learns his vocabulary properly.

Task 7. Translate questions into English and answer them according to the text. Read Grammar References in the Annex Table 3 «The Main Types of Questions», Unit 2 «Special Questions».



Какова цель Болонского процесса?

Какую возможность дают студентам из разных государств cходные уровни высшего образования в Европе?

Какие международные квалификации, принятые в европейских вузах, были введены в России?

Для чего необходимо Европейское приложение к диплому на английском языке?

Сколько уровней высшего образования выделяют в России?

Прием в бакалавриат производится на конкурсной основе?

Какова длительность обучения на бакалавриате,

Кто может поступать в магистратуру?

Какая традиционная ступень для российского высшего образования, которая существовала до подписания Россией Болонской декларации существует до сих пор?

Что включает в себя специалитет?

Сколько лет длится обучение в аспирантуре?

Task 8. Retell the text using standard phrases from the Annex Table 1 «Standard Phrases for Retelling, Report and Presentations”.

Task 9. Search for additional information in the Internet and prepare the topic «The Modern System of Higher Education in Russia». Use standard phrases from the Annex Table 1 «Standard Phrases for Retelling, Report and Presentations”.
Text 3. Higher Educational Institutions of Russia

Education management in Russia is carried out at 3 levels: federal, regional, municipal. At the federal level, the Department is administered by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, whose functions include: approval of federal state educational standards, licensing, state accreditation and liquidation of educational institutions, implementation of the right to receive free higher education, development and implementation of state and international programs in the field of education and much more.