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Task 3. Translate words from the text from Russian. Learn them.

Complete the table.



визитная карточка


инженерные кадры

корпоративный дух

уникальные черты

приобретаемые знания


постоянная конкуренция



исследовательская работа

Task 4. Find a title to each paragraph.

Task 5. Read Grammar References in the Annex Table 3 «The Main Types of Questions». Ask questions to these short answers:



  1. More than six hundred years ago.

  1. The individual methods of teaching.

  1. By a group of professors and students expelled from Oxford.

  1. Oxbridge.

  1. 31 colleges.

  1. 19,000 students.

  1. 38 colleges.

  1. 20,000 students.

  1. 25%

  1. The Institute of the Internet.

  1. One of the ten prestigious higher education institutions in England

Task 6. Read Grammar References in Annex Table 4 «Verb Tences. Active Voice. Examples», Table 5 «Verb Tences. Active Voice. Formation» grammar theme Past Simple. Practice this grammar material in following exercises:

Exercise 1: Put verbs in the following sentences into the affirmative, interrogative and negative forms of Past Simple.

1. I (to do) morning exercises.

2. He (to write) a message to his friend.

3. She (to sleep) after dinner.

4. We (to work) part-time.

5. They (to drink) tea every day.

6. Mike (to be) a student.

Past Simple

Affirmative form

Interrogative form

Negative form

Exercise 2. Open the brackets using verbs in Past Simple.

Helen ____________________a bicycle.

We ___________________about our trip.

She __________________ yesterday at seven o'clock. 

He _______________a bus last year, then he _______________a car.

Her uncle _________________________ her at about 8 o’clock last week.

Mike _____________________ at the University.

She ______________ two eggs, a sandwich and a cup of tea for breakfast.

It __________________her an hour and a half to do her homework.

Task 7. Ask your own questions to the text.

Task 8. Think about advantages of both Universities, compare them and express your own opinion using standard phrases from the Annex Table 2 «Standard Phrases for discussing», Unit 1«Introductory words».

Task 9. Retell the text using standard phrases from the Annex Table 1 «Standard Phrases for Retelling, Report and Presentations”.

Task 10. Search for additional information in the Internet and prepare the topic and the presentation «British Universities». Use standard phrases from the Annex Table 1 «Standard Phrases for Retelling, Report and Presentations”.

Text 5. Smart Home: the Latest Technology for Real Life

Would you like to become the heroes of a fantastic film in which the house is run by robots, and all the devices do not need a lot of remotes, but listen to your voice? Smart home, the latest technology which will provide you with all these amenities, has already become a reality.

Alarms, lighting control and video and audio systems have not surprised anyone for a long time. Practically every day there are more and more original devices that allow you to save time and to make life easier.

Part 1. Advantages of a smart home

Smart home, the newest technologies of which amaze with their diversity, gradually becomes more affordable for the townsfolk. Well-known companies constantly improve the devices, allowing to connect already existing and new gadgets in a single network. A big role in this is the prevalence of tablets and smartphones with constant access to the Internet, it is convenient to use them as control panels of the house.

Here are just a few implemented ideas used throughout the world:

1. Video tracking of the house inside and surrounding environment from the outside. The image from the cameras can be viewed from anywhere in the world, this function is useful for fans of travel.

2. Thermostat regulating heating and water temperature.

3. Light sensors, which switch on and off the light, depending on the movement of the inhabitants of the house. It is possible to set a personal mode, depending on which member of the family is currently in the room.

4. Door locks that can respond to the approach of a device emitting a signal (smartphone).

All this is widely used in Russia technology. But there are absolutely new devices developed at a higher level, although the application is narrower.

So the refrigerator analyzing the set of products in it will send an order to the online store to replenish the reserves and calculate what dish can be cooked based on what is already available. Garbage cans can also monitor their own content and analyze its increase or decrease. Washing machines and dishwashers connected to the Internet send messages after the end of the work cycle.

Such functions of conventional technology sometimes seem superfluous, but they can facilitate the life of an elderly person or an invalid. Adult children in this way can help their parents, even if they live many kilometers from them.

Statistics show that houses equipped with tracking sensors are much less susceptible to robberies. If you leave for a long time, in addition to such electronic "observers", you can install a device that pushes and moves the blinds in the usual mode for you, as if the owners are still at home.

In addition to facilitating routine duties, smart home technologies serve to ensure the safety of its residents. In the event of a fire, a specialized system will not only detect the occurrence of fire in time, but also call a fire brigade, highlight the path and unlock the necessary doors.

When the apartment has children, monitoring the amount of time spent at the computer and TV often becomes a necessity. And with this function can successfully cope with smart house technology. The newest technologies provide control over virtually all devices in the house

Another important bonus is saving money spent on electricity. Turning off the lighting when there is no one in the room, regulation of water temperature and other programs aimed at reducing costs, are very effective.

Part 2. Disadvantages of a smart home

Creating a smart home, the latest technology of it, everyone should be aware of the shortcomings of such a system that unites all the devices of the home. The main disadvantage is the relative high cost of such gadgets. Relative, because everything is in the power of the wishes of the owner. Limits of equipping the house does not exist, you can spend millions on a smart house. But for people with average earnings, some elements of this system are available.

There is one more drawback of using information technology - the discovery of personal information. But with this minus and so forced to put up almost all users of social networks and personal devices with access to the Internet. It is worth noting that this drawback primarily concerns unreliable device manufacturers, who are more likely to be hacked.

Possible failures that can lead to a change in your schedule, too, are found among the minuses of intelligent housing. But they can be avoided by carefully selecting parts of the system.

A smart home, whose latest technology can improve the quality of life and really make life easier, to free up time for creativity and productive activity, is becoming more real.
Practical tasks
Task 1. Read and translate the text, write out new words.

Task 2. Find the following words and word combinations in English in the text, translate them into Russian. Complete the table. Learn them. Make sentences with them.




to respond to

to depend on

to improve



to be hacked

to concern


to be aware


discovery of personal information

Task 3. Translate words from the text from Russian. Learn them.

Complete the table.





обеспечить чем-л. (2 варианта)



осуществлять, реализовывать

житель (3 варианта)




уменьшение (2 варианта)

отслеживание (2 варианта)


повседневные обязанности

справиться c чем-либо