Файл: Практикум Челябинск 2020 удк 811 ббк 81. 2.docx

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In Russia, there are three types of educational organizations of higher education: the University, the Academy, the Institute.

The University implements educational programs of higher education of all levels on a wide range of specialties. He must perform fundamental and applied scientific research in a wide range of sciences.

The Academy implements educational programs of all levels for a certain field of scientific activity, within the framework of which the academy must carry out scientific research.

The Institutes work on educational programs of higher education for bachelor's degree, specialty and master's degree (postgraduate study is not compulsory) in a certain field of professional activity. A wide range of scientific research for institutions is not necessary.

Trends in the development of educational services:

What are the trends and prospects for the development of higher education in Russia? Among the main ones we can distinguish:

1. Internationalization of higher education and increased mobility of teachers and students, the possibility of a wider exchange of experience, foreign internships.

2. Strengthening the practical orientation of education, the introduction of practical disciplines in educational programs, the involvement of teachers and practitioners. Among the teachers, you can meet well-known representatives of science, culture, banking and other areas of business. The curriculum is based on the current demands of modern employers. Master classes and seminars are held with the participation of well-known businessmen, managers, heads of large enterprises, politicians.

3. Use of multimedia technologies in the educational process, visualization systems, introduction of technologies of distance and e-learning and, as a result, increasing the popularity of distance education.

Practical tasks

Task 1. Read and translate the text, write out new words.

Task 2. Find the following words and word combinations in English in the text, translate them into Russian. Complete the table. Learn them. Make sentences with them.





applied scientific research

postgraduate study


to distinguish







Task 3. Translate words from the text from Russian. Learn them. Complete the table.



управление образованием

утверждение федеральных государственных образовательных стандартов


государственная аккредитация

реализация права

получение бесплатного высшего образования

разработка программ в сфере образования

виды образовательных организаций высшего образования

фундаментальные и прикладные научные исследования

широкий спектр наук

обмен опытом

тенденции развития

практическая направленность образования

учебный план

требования современных работодателей

внедрение технологий дистанционного и электронного обучения

Task 4. Find the sentences in the text. Complete the table.



Управление образованием в России осуществляется на 3-х уровнях.

В функции Министерства образования и науки Российской Федерации входит: утверждение федеральных государственных образовательных стандартов, лицензирование, государственная аккредитация и ликвидация образовательных учреждений.

Университет реализует образовательные программы высшего образования всех уровней по широкому спектру специальностей.

Академия реализует образовательные программы всех уровней для определенной области научной деятельности.

Широкий спектр научных исследований для институтов не обязателен.

В основе учебных программ лежат актуальные требования современных работодателей.

Task 5. Read Grammar References in the Annex Table 3 «The Main Types of Questions», Unit 3 «Alternative Questions», Unit 4 «Tag-Questions». Practice this grammar material in following exercises:

Exercise 1: ask Tag-Questions, answer them.

My parents have a beautiful picture in the room, don’t they?

Laura bought an expensive dress, didn’t she?

This scientist has written a very popular book, ______________ ?

Students did their best, ______________________?

Friends are going to a party next weekend, _________________?

His lesson is amazing, ______________________ ?

Ann will do this for her aunt, ______________________ ?

Tourists have found a place to stay for the night,________________ ?

You are good at studying foreign languages,__________________ ?

Kate wasn’t cooking when I rang, was she?

They organize this event every year, ______________________ ?

Exercise 2: Make Alternative Questions using variants in brackets.

They heard a noise in the living room. (music – in the kitchen)

He has found two black kittens near the shop. (three – near the office)

Every morning I give my son some pocket money. (daughter – every evening)

The cargo will be delivered next Friday by ship. (Sunday – by plane)

The photos are in a drawer of the wardrobe. (the cupboard – the passports)

We can stay in Moscow for another week. (in Saint-Petersburg – month)

Task 6. Ask Tag-Questions and Alternative Questions to the text.

Task 7. Retell the text using standard phrases from the Annex Table 1 «Standard Phrases for Retelling, Report and Presentations”.

Task 8. Search for additional information in the Internet and prepare the topic and the presentation «Modern multimedia technologies in the educational process». Use standard phrases from the Annex Table 1 «Standard Phrases for Retelling, Report and Presentations”.

Text 4. University Education in England

1. The visiting card of British education for the whole world was the universities of Oxford and Cambridge. More than six hundred years ago, two universities provided the British Empire with scientific, managerial, engineering personnel. This caused the huge size of universities, corporate spirit, constant rivalry, unshakable traditions of higher schools.

2. The unique features of the oldest universities are the individual methods of teaching practiced there only. The highest level of education is provided by the qualification of teachers, constant monitoring of the quality of acquired knowledge, the skills of independent work with educational materials. The result of centuries of practice has become the permanent place of Cambridge and Oxford in the top five universities in the world.

3. Universities are largely similar in methods of study, which gave the British a reason to call them the collective word Oxbridge. Similarity, proximity, the same development of high schools and constant competition - are due to the fact that Cambridge was founded by a group of professors and students expelled from Oxford.

4. The size of the universities is almost equal. There are 31 colleges (of which three are exclusive for women) in the Cambridge University, 19,000 students are enrolled. In addition to traditional classical, theological, philosophical, historical, legal, mathematical, physical, language faculties for the historical university, Cambridge has faculties of the history of arts, music, electrical engineering, information systems, computer design.

5. In Oxford, there are 38 colleges, 20,000 students (25% of them are foreigners). To unconventional for the classical university departments can be attributed such areas of education as the history of medicine, anthropology, public health, the study of modern China, the Institute of the Internet.

6. Other British universities work on their own original curriculum, for example, the University of Sheffield, one of the ten prestigious higher education institutions in England. The international composition of teachers (3200 people) allows to train 35000 students. At the university, students' studies are combined with research work, for which about five million pounds a year are allocated.

7. The results of the research are used in the development of such industrial corporations such as NASA, Microsoft, Sony, Philips. The universal type of higher education is determined by a set of faculties that unite the faculties of art and design, bioscience, construction, business and management, computer science, engineering, banking, media, physiotherapy, social sciences, sports, and hotel business at the university.
Practical tasks
Task 1. Read and translate the text, write out new words.

Task 2. Find the following words and word combinations in English in the text, translate them into Russian. Complete the table. Learn them. Make sentences with them.



to provide

to cause


to acquire

to expell

to attribute



to determine

to allocate

