Файл: Бондарчук К.Я. Классы кораблей и их вооружение (учебное пособие для слушателей 030).pdf

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1.The primary functions of the Navy are to organize, train and equip Navy and Marine forces for the conduct of combat operations.

2.Its specific functions to seek out and destroy enemy na­ val forces are also very important.

3.To conduct air operations the Navy must have aircraft equipped with the latest equipment and armed with the newest


4. The Navy must also have amphibious ships to conduct land operations.

Упражнение 2. Переведите следующие предложения на русский язык. Выделите субъектный инфинитивный оборот (сложное подлежащее).

1.Aircraft carriers are said to have many advantages and some disadvantages.

2.Acoustic-homing torpedo is known to be a submersible guided missile which can seek out a target at a great depth.

3.The new ship was reported to be-armed with Polaris.

4.The new weapon proved to be very effective.

5.The vessel is expected to have a speed of 45 knots.

Упражнение 3. Переведите следующие предложения на

русский язык. Определите функции герундия.


This torpedo is fired by being tossed overboard.


These frigates are

capable of

developing speeds -over

30 knots.



without exploding.


The torpedo passed


On striking the ship the depth charge exploded.


Conducting land operations is the function of amphibious




следующие предложения на

Упражнение 4. Переведите

русский язык. Выделите сложные прилагательные и опреде­ лительные комплексы.

1. These ships will be armed with British close-range anti­ aircraft missile Seacat.

2.The vessel is armed with the Terrier surface-to-air mis­


3.This will be the third new construction submarine tender.

4.Their ASW equipment will consist of long-range sonar and guided and rocket-assisted torpedoes.

5. Tartar is powered by a dual thrust, solid propellant rocket motor.


К О Н Т Р О Л Ь Н О Е З А Д А Н И Е № 1

(вариант 3)

I. Сделайте письменный перевод текста:






Australia’s Navy concentrates its efforts in the field of anti-'

submarine warfare. 19 ships are




2 new frigates will join the fleet.


and Parramatta


In 1961 the frigates HMAS *

commissioned. Their displacement is 2.000 tons.

Carrying antisubmarine mortars, these ships were built in Australian shipyards. These and two other ships will be equip­ ped with British close-range antiaircraft missile Seacat. These frigates have a top speed of over 30 knots.

Besides these two frigates, Australia’s combat fleet is made

up of


Daring class destroyers,

there Q class antisubma­

rine frigates, a training ship, the Battle class destroyer HMAS

Anzac, and Melbourn, the flagship.



the 2.800-ton


Vampire, Voyager and Vendetta

Daring class destroyers. They carry six 4,5 inch guns, six 40 mm

guns, five 21 inch torpedo tubes and an antisubmarine mortar.

These ships are used for air defense and surface gunnery


well as sub hunting, and they are capable of developing speeds

over 30 knots.






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стия IT







III/Сделайте следующие упражнения:



Упражнение 1. Переведите


русский язык. Определите функции причастий I и II.




Eagle is undergoing extensive modernization.




missile can be used

as a


charge, sinking

a set depth and exploding there.

* Her (His) Majesty Australian Ship.



3.Aircraft carriers are large floating airfields, possessing some advantages and having some disadvantages.

4.The new weapon system is called Typhon.

'5. The new weapon system called Typhon will be renamed.

Упражнение 2. Переведите следующие предложения на

русский язык. Определите функции инфинитива.

1.The primary functions of the Navy are to organize, train and equip Navy and Marine forces for the conduct of combat operations.

2.Its specific functions to seek out and destroy enemy naval

forces are also very important.

3.To conduct air operations the Navy must have aircraft equipped with the latest equipment and armed with the newest weapons.

4.The Navy must also have amphibious ships to conduct

land operations.

Упражнение 3. Переведите следующие предложения на русский язык. Выделите субъектный инфинитивный оборот (сложное подлежащее).

1.Aircraft carriers are said to have many advantages and some disadvantages.

2.Acoustic-homing torpedo is known to be a submersible -guided missile which can seek out a target at a great depth.

3.The new ship was reported to be armed with Polaris.

4.The new weapon proved to be very effective.

5.The vessel is expected to have a speed of 45 knots.

Упражнение 4. Переведите следующие предложения на

русский язык. Определите функции герундия.

1.This torpedo is fired by being tossed overboard.

2.These frigates are capable of developing speeds over


3.The torpedo passed the target without exploding.

4.On striking the ship the depth charge exploded.

5.Conducting land operations is the function of amphibious



К О Н Т Р О Л Ь Н О Е З А Д А Н И Е № 1

(вариант 4)

I. Сделайте письменный перевод текста:

Rocket-Assisted Torpedo

An operational antisubmarine weapon of the USN is the rocket-assisted torpedo (RAT).

Propelled by a rocket motor, the RAT is launched skyward and dropped to the surface at a considerable distance from the launching vessel. The RAT is launched from a 5-inch gun mount after being aimed automatically by an electric computer which is linked to the submarine detection device. It is boosted into the air by a solid fuel rocket motor, and after attaining maxi­ mum speed, the airframe is dropped and an eight-foot long torpedo is released.

On nearing the surface the torpedo is retarded by two pa­ rachutes, which drop it into the water at a low speed to prevent damage to its delicate guidance mechanism.

In the water the torpedo’s sonic homing system guides it to the target.

Thr rocket-assisted torpedo system can be installed in the destroyer by using the existing gun mounts.

The weapon is 131/ 2 ft long and weighs 480 lbs.

II.Выпишите из текста и определите функции герундия. III. Сделайт'е следующие упражнения:

Упражнение 1. Переведите следующие предложения на русский язык. Выделите сложные прилагательные и опреде­ лительные комплексы.

1. These ships will be armed with British close-range antP aircraft missile Seacat.

2.The vessel is armed with the Terrier surface-to-air mis­


3.This will be the third new construction submarine tender.

7— Зак. 638


4.Their ASW equipment will consist of long-range sonar and guided and rockel-assisted torpedoes.

5.Tartar is powered by a dual thrust, solid propellant roc­ ket motor.

Упражнение 2. Переведите следующие предложения на русский язык. Проанализируйте все формы страдательного залога.

1.This missile is used as a torpedo or a depth charge.

2.New guided missiles are being installed in USS Norton Sound.

3.These ships were built in Australian shipyards.

4.Some old US ships will be converted and re-equipped.

5.Destroyers and frigates are known as «escorts» in the Royal Navy.

Упражнение 3. Переведите следующие предложения на русский язык. Определите функции причастий 1 и II.

1. HMS Eagle is undergoing extensive modernization.

2. This missile can be used as a depth charge, sinking to a set depth and exploding there.

3.Aircraft carriers are large floating airfields, possessing some advantages and having some disadvantages.

4.The new weapon system is called Typhon.

5.The new weapon system called Typhon will be renamed.

Упражнение 4. Переведите следующие предложения на русский язык. Определите функции инфинитива.

1.The primary functions of the Navy are to organize, train and equip Navy and Marine forces for the conduct of combat operations.

2.Its specific functions to seek out and destroy enemy naval forces are also very important..

3.To conduct air operations the Navy must have aircraft equipped with the latest equipment and armed with the newest armament.

4.The Navy must also have amphibious ships to conduct land operations.


К О Н Т Р О Л Ь Н О Е З А Д А Н И Е № 1

(вариант 5)

I. Сделайте письменный перевод текста:

Two More Big Ships Meet the Fleet

Two new ships have joined the Fleet for active service. One, USS Bainbridge is the first member of the destroyer family to be powered by nuclear reactors. The other, USS Raleigh is the Navy’s first amphibious transport dock.

Bainbridge, commissioned at Quincy, Mass.*, in October, is the Navy’s third operational nuclear-powered surface ship.

Commissioning of Bainbridge was the highlight of a weeklong celebration Jjy the city of Quincy, commemorating the 60th anniversary of destroyers. The name of the new frigate is especially fitting: it is the same name as that of the first ship listed as a destroyer 60 years ago. The similarity between the old Bainbridge and the new one ends with their names: the former displaced 420 tons, the latter displaces over 8.000 tons. Bainbridge of 1902 had a crew of 75; nearly 500 men serve on board today’s Bainbridge. The armament on the old Bainbridge consisted of 3-inch guns ar\d two torpedo tubes. The new fri­ gate carries dual-purpose guns, antisubmarine rockets and advanced Terrier surface-to-air.missiles fore and aft.

The most notable difference, however, is in cruising range: the new ship can remain under way almost indefinitely, while the old one, with a full load of coal, could make it across the Atlantic.

II. Выпишите из текста и определите функции прича­ стий I и II.

III. Сделайте следующие упражнения":

Упражнение 1. Переведите следующие предложения на русский язык. Определите функции инфинитива.

* Mass.— Massachuzetts.