Файл: Бондарчук К.Я. Классы кораблей и их вооружение (учебное пособие для слушателей 030).pdf

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1.The primary functions of the Navy are to organize, train and equip the Navy and Marine forces for the conduct of com­ bat operations.

2.Its specific functions to seek out and destroy enemy naval forces are also very important.

3.To conduct air operations the Navy must have aitcraft equipped with the latest equipment and armed with the newest weapons.

4.The Navy must also have amphibious ships to conduct land operations.

Упражнение 2. Переведите следующие предложения на русский язык. Выделите сложные прилагательные и опреде­ лительные комплексы.

1. These ships will be armed with British close-range antiaitcraft missile Seacat.

2.The vessel is armed with the Terrier surface-to-air mis­


3.This will be the third new construction submarine tender.

4.Their ASW equipment will consist of long-range sonar and guided and rocket-assisted torpedoes.

5.Tartar is powered by a dual thrust, solid propellant roc­ ket motor.

Упражнение 3. Переведите следующие предложения на русский язык. Выделите субъектный инфинитивный оборот (сложное подлежащее).

1. Aircraft carriers are said to have many advantages and some disadvantages.

2.Acoustic-homing torpedo is known to be a submersible guided missile which can seek out a target at a great depth.

3.The new ship was reported to be armed with Polaris.

4. The

new weapon proved

to be very effective.

5. The

vessel is expected to

have a great speed.

Упражнение 4. Переведите

следующие предложения на

русский язык. Определите функции герундия.

1.This torpedo is fifed by being tossed overboard.

2.These frigates are capable of developing speeds over


3.The torpedo passed the target without exploding.

4.On striking the ship the depth charge exploded.

5.Conducting land operations is the function of amphibious



К О Н Т Р О Л Ь Н О Е З А Д А Н И Е № 2

(вариант 1)

I. Сделайте письменный перевод текста:

Royal Navy to-day (1962)

The Royal Navy consists of the following ships:

Aircraft Carriers. Britain has 4: HMS Ark Royal, Hermes, Victorious, and Centaur. They are designated as the modern capital ships. Three are normally operational throughout

the year, and the

fourth is being refit. In addition, there is

HMS Eagle, a sister ship of

Ark Royal,

which is


extensive modernization.






These are


ships, car­

rying Army men or Marine commandos. HMS Bulwark, where the Marines are divided into five groups, each known as commando, is serving east of Suez. Another ship, HMS Albion, is being converted to a commando carrier. Each will have the capability of transporting two commandos under wartime con­ ditions.

Cruisers. Five cruisers are in commission: HMS Belfast,

Bermuda, Tiger, Lion and Blake. They serve


Royal Navy

on the Home Station *, in the Mediterranean


on the


East Station.



F r i g a t e s .





Dest royers

«escorts» in



Navy. A total of 53

escorts (20


troyers and

33 frigates)

are deployed


the world.

In 1960 the Royal Navy added 5 new frigates to its fleets. In



are 2 destroyers


17 frigates

engaged «in


and training».




missile destroyers





surface-to-air missiles — to

serve as


to carriers.


Horne Station — базы флота





During the past year the British Government invited contract* bids for two more guided missile destroyers. They will have up-to-date missile systems, detecting devices anS antisubmarine weapons. The first of them is HMS Devonshire.

Submar i ne s . 30

submarines are

with the operational

Fleet, while on trial and training are two more subs.

The Royal Navy’s

Home Submarine

Flotilla ** consists oi

three submarine squadrons. In addition divisions are operating from Malta, Singapore, Sydney and Halifax.

Great Britain’s first nuclear submarine is HMS Dread­ nought. It is a hunter-killer submarine and is equipped with highly sensitive detection gear and homing torpedoes. A second nuclear submarine, ordered by the Government is named FIMS


Mi nesweepers . The operational minesweeping fleet is made up of 12 inshore and 26 coastal minesweepers. On trials and training are 12 more. These ships are based in the United Kingdom, Malta, Singapore. A. number of inshore minesheepers are operating at Hong-Kong.

II. Ответьте на следующие вопросы:

1.Against what targets can guided missiles be used?

2.What ships can drop mines?

3. What aircraft carriers in the US and Royal Navies do you know?

4.Into what classes are cruisers divided?

5.What are the duties of destroyers?

6.What is a submarine?

*invite contract bids — заключать контракты.

**The Royal Navy’s Home Submarine Flotilla — флотилия пл пл Ко­ ролевского флота метрополии.



(вариант 2)

I. Сделайте письменный перевод текстов:

Convertion of USN Ships

A number of existing ships in the USN will be converted. 24 ships, all Gearing-class destroyers, are scheduled for remo­ deling. Trey are now 16 or 17 years old. Their convertion will include complete overhaul, replacement of worn machinery com­ ponents, repairs tp hulls and additions to the latest equipment, including ASW gear, that can be effectively installed.

Norton Sound, a guided missile ship, will be converted for the test of the Navy’s latest weapons system. Convertion calls for installation of a Typhon weapons system before its installa­

tion as an operational system in a combatant ship.




Norton Sound has served as a sea-going


platform for

various other missile systems during the past 12 years.



«Saratoga» Modified





The attack aircraft carrier USS Saratoga

is being


to handle heavier aircraft and give



safety in

landing than before. A change in arresting


will enable

her to handle heavier aircraft, and installation




PLAT system

(Pilot Landing Aid, Television)* will give a grea­

ter safety to

pilots. The modifications

are being done at


folk Naval Shipyard, Portsmouth, Virginia.

* PLAT— вспомогательная система для посадки самолета на палубу авианосца при помощи телевидения.



Acoustic Torpedoes


Two lightweight


torpedoes, the Mark


and the Mark 43, are in service with the USN.


The Mark 43, which can be launched by surface ships or

aircraft is said to

be a submersible

guided missile, that


capable of seeking out targets

at considerable depths. It is 8 ft.

long, 10 in. in diameter, and

is only about 1/8 of the weight

of the aerial torpedoes used in WW II.

The Mark 32, designed for

ship-launching only, is said to

be one of the simplest antisubmarine weapons which the Navy developed. It is carried on the deck of the launching vessel and fired by being tossed overboard. When it hits the water, the acoustic-homing device and propelling motor are activated and carry it to the target. The Mark 32 has been announced to be obsolete.

II. Ответьте на следующие вопросы:

1.What types and classes of ships do you know?

2.What is the newest armament of modern ships?

3.When and where was the first atomic-powered submarine


4.On board what ship do you serve?

5.What weapons are there in our Navy?

6.What is the underwater speed of nuclear-powered sub­ marines?



К О Н Т Р О Л Ь Н О Е З А Д А Н И Е № 2


(вариант 3)


Сделайте письменный перевод текста:



Plans of USN


Six nuclear-powered

Fleet ballistic missile submarines

will be armed with 16 Polaris missiles which can be fired while submerged. Navigation instruments will insure accurate posi­ tioning before the missiles are fired. In addition, they will be equipped With standard torpedoes for action against enemy subs or surface ships.

2.Eight nuclear-powered attack submarines will be the same as Thresher class subs, but they will have many improvements. They will be antisubmarine warfare ships designed to destroy other submarines, but they are also effective against surface ships. Their ASW capabilities will consist of long-range sonar and guided and rocket-assisted torpedoes.

3.One nuclear-powered guided missile frigate will be equip­ ped with longand medium-range Typhon surface-to-air, sur­ face-to-surface and surface-to-missile system. She will operate

offensively with carrier strike force, ASW and amphibious forces.

4. Five escort ships are specially designed for locating and destroying enemy subs. They are principally the same as the escort ships of the 1962 program. They will combine improved seakeeping ability with advanced antisubmarine warfare capa­ bilities, including long-range sonar, an antisubmarine laun­ cher, antisubmarine torpedoes, drone ASW helicopters and conventional 5-inch guns.

5. Three guided missile escort ships have the same hull, machinary plant and ASW armament as the escort ships. In addition to antisubmarine warfare capabilities, the new guided missile


escort ships will be equipped also with the Tartar missile sys­ tem for operations against enemy aircraft.

6. Two motor gunboats will operate offensively on patrol, blockade and carry out surveillance missions in coastal waters and areas. Their size, speed, endurance, sea-keeping qualities and fire power will enable them to perform many tasks in na­ val operations.

7. A submarine tender is planned. This will be the third new construction submarine tender which can provide full support for nuclear-powered submarines, including Polaris submarines. Two others were authorized in the 1960 and 1962 programs. This ship will be able to support submarines, servicing three subs at the same time.

II. Ответьте на следующие вопросы:

1.What is the displacement of a midget submarine?

2.Against what ships are depth charges used?

3.What categories of guided missiles do you know?

4.What do minesweepers do?

5.What naval weapons do you know?

6.What classes of submarines are there in our Navy?


К О Н Т Р О Л Ь Н О Е З А Д А Н И Е № 2

(вариант 4)

I. Сделайте письменный перевод текстов:

US Shipbuilding Program

Ship construction planned for 1959 comprised 20 new ves­ sels. The new ships included in this program were:

Five guided missile destroyers (five similar vessels were authorized for construction under the 1958 program). These vessels have a standard displacement of 3.370 tons and are armed with the Terrier surface-to-air missiles.

Six guided missile frigates. They have a displacement of slightly less than 5.000 tons. Other ships of this class are armed with Terrier missile launchers, antisubmarine hedgehog laun­ chers, and four 21-inch torpedo tubes in addition to conventio­

nal weapons.







One guided missile, nuclear-powered frigate.

two nuclear reactors, this


is expected



a speed

of 45 knots.






One nuclear-powered,

planned to be armed with the Regulus missile.





One amphibious assault ship (helicopter carrier). It will

600 foot long, will carry 45 helicopters and


1.500-men marine

assault unit.

Other new construction includes four nuclear-powered attack submarines, one amphibious transport dock, and one ammuni­ tion ship.

Three nuclear-powered, ballistic missile submarines have been added to the 1958 program. Planned to be finished in 1960, they will carry about 16 of the 30-foot long Polaris intermediate range ballistic missiles. Two cruisers will be converted to sur- face-to-air guided missile cruisers. Nine other cruisers currently are under convertion to Terrier and Talos missiles.