Файл: Учебное пособие по профессиональному иностранному языку для студентов 3 курса.docx

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Task 1. Discuss the following questions.
1. What is communication?

2. What is the importance of communication in society?

3. How would you describe your communication skills?
Task 1. Match a line in A with the line in B.

1. Verbal Communication

a) facial expressions, gestures.

2. Written Communication

b) communication done with the help of words.

3. Body Language

c) communication is done through emails, letters, manuals, notices, presentations.

Text A
Task 2. Read the text bellow and then discuss the following questions.
1. What is the role of communication in business?

2. What types of communication are important for managers?

3. What communication skills are important for successful business managers?

4. Why do managers at all levels need to communicate well?

A skilled business manager must be able to manage — they must also be able to delegate, spearhead new ideas and assess business successes and failures. However, to be able to do any of this successfully, a business manager must be able to communicate. According to the Psychologically Healthy Workplace Program, "Communication plays a key role in the success of any workplace program or policy." Business managers who know how to communicate successfully may improve the chance of success of the program/area that they're managing.

According to the Psychologically Healthy Workplace Program, two types of communication are important for managers: top-down communication and bottom-up communication. In other words, managers should be able to communicate policies, procedures and instructions clearly to their employees; however, they should also be able to listen to communication from employees and make changes based on issues that the employees face. Business managers also need to be able to communicate in a number of different ways, including in large groups, face to face, online and in writing.

Managers not only need to be good communicators, they also need to communicate with their employees frequently to stay abreast of changes and assess new programs and policies. Business managers need to set up regular opportunities for communication through online forum discussions, comment boxes, individual meetings with employees or group discussions with specific committees. Further, the Management Skills Advisor website suggests that managers have an "open door policy" by which they encourage employees who need to communicate with them to do so often.

Communication traits of successful business managers include being able to listen to others' ideas well and respond to them appropriately and clearly. Business managers should be able to give concise directions and clearly articulate policies, consequences and expectations. Managers need to understand both verbal and nonverbal communication and about the messages that both send. Finally, business managers should be able to communicate well during emergencies or in less-than-ideal situations; they must also know how to communicate bad news, such as a firing, with tact.

(Adapted from https://business.cron.com)
Task 3. Are the following statements (1-7) true, false or not given according to the Text A?
1. A business manager must be able to communicate to manage a business successfully.

2. According to the Psychologically Healthy Workplace Program, communication does not play an important role in the success of any workplace program or policy.

3. According to the Psychologically Healthy Workplace Program, four types of communication are important for managers.

4. Business managers need to understand different ways of communication.

5. Leaders and subordinates use symbols such as objects or words that stand for ideas, feelings, and intentions to describe their experiences.

6. The Management Skills Advisor website advises managers to have an "open door policy".

7. It is not important for business managers to communicate well during emergencies.
Task 4. Match the sentence beginnings (1-7) with the correct endings (a-g) to make a short summary of the Text A. Read the Text A again if necessary.
1. Business managers must be able to delegate, spearhead new ideas and …………

2. Business managers who know how to communicate successfully may improve the chance of success of the ………………… .

3. Business managers also need to be able to communicate in a number of different ways, including in………………………… .

4. Managers not only need to be good communicators, they also need to communicate with their employees frequently to stay abreast of changes and …………………… .

5. Business managers need to set up regular opportunities for communication through online forum discussions, comment boxes, individual meetings with employees or …………………… .

6. Business managers should be able to give concise directions and clearly articulate ………………….

7. Business managers should be able to communicate well during emergencies or in less-than-ideal situations; they must also know how to communicate………………

  1. and assess new programs and policies.

  2. policies, consequences and expectations.

  3. assess business successes and failures.

  4. program/area that they're managing.

  5. bad news, such as a firing, with tact.

  6. large groups, face to face, online and in writing.

  7. group discussions with specific committees.

Task 1. Match the words in Column A with the correct definitions in Column B.



1. spearhead

a) a serious, unexpected, and often dangerous situation requiring immediate action.

2. failure

b) short and clear, expressing, what needs to be said without unnecessary words.

3. procedure

c) to express thoughts and ideas clearly and effectively.

4. concise

d) a lack of success in doing something.

5. consequence

e) to lead something such as a course of action or an attack.

6. emergency

f)a way of doing something.

7. articulate

g) a result or effect of something.

Task 2. Match a line in A with a line in B to make word partnerships as they are used in the Text A.



1. workplace

a) communication

2. top-down

b) manager

3. open door

c) policy

4. business

d) to face

5. face

e) policy

Task 3. Complete each sentence (1-7) with the most appropriate word (a, b or c).
1. To be effective writing for business, you must be complete, ………, and accurate.

a) failure b) concise c) procedure
2. ………… in the workplace are critical for teams, but they aren’t all negative. 

a) consequences b) work c) problems
3. Managing policies and …………… is an important aspect of maintaining operations in any organization.

a) employment b) procedures c) emergency

4. The ……………….was caused by bad management.

a) articulate b) failure c) future
5. Business plans can …….. because employees are not compensated in a way that regulates the goal of the employee with the goals of the company. 

a) fail b) stay c) articulate
6. This is not a subject of the current debate; we are discussing the ………situation.

a) emergency b) need c) expectation
7. I want to ask your permission to ………….. a special project.

a) spearhead b) notice c) apply
Task 1. Watch the interview with Hsieh Tsun-Yan, the former senior director with McKincey and founder of the LinHart. For questions 1-6, choose the best answer (a, b, or, c).

1. Mr Hsieh Tsun-Yan has ………… experience in consulting with McKincey.

a) 30 years

b) 20 years

c) 15 years
2. The title of the course is ……………………………

a) ‘management style’.

b) ‘management conversation’.

c) ‘management principles’.
3. Management communication is a subject of ………………………..

a) business communication.

b) business process.

c) business procedures.
4. According to Hsieh Tsun-Yan, the influential leadership is the most ……………………. that people in business need to make happen regardless of their level of seniority.

a) object

b) fundamental thing

c) process
5. Successful leaders are those ………………of that organization at that time.

a) who are able to shape the destiny

b) who manage efficiently

c) who work long hours
6. New technology cannot replace the face-to-face conversation because………

a) two-thirds of our conversation is nonverbal.

b) the next five years we might see other forms of new technology.

c) face-to-face communication is more important.
7. According to Hsieh Tsun-Yan, new technology is a very important set of tools that actually ………………………………..

a) demand its own principles.

b) change the world.

c) do business.
8. According to Hsieh Tsun-Yan, feeling is what ultimately will govern the trust, govern the confidence, and …………………………………

a) govern the humanity.

b) govern the sense of security.

c) raise the awareness.
9. Taking charge of their own career means …………………. of who you are.

a) having an inner sense

b) taking control

c) managing business
Task 2. Watch the interview again with Hsieh Tsun-Yan and answer the following questions.

  1. How is business communication different from other areas of communication?

  2. What does managerial communication focus on?

  3. Why is the face-to-face conversation important in business?

  4. What is the role of new technology in business?

  5. What is the meaning of ‘think, feel, and do’?

  6. What is the role of judgment?

  7. What is the role of practice in learning?


Task 1. Work in groups of 3-4 students. Use phrases from the Useful language box and discuss the importance of different types of communication.
There are many different ways to communicate, each of which plays an important role in sharing information. Use phrases from the Useful language box and discuss in groups of 3-4 students the importance of different types of communication.

Group A: The importance of verbal communication.

Group B: The importance of nonverbal communication.

Group C: The importance of written communication.

Group D: The importance of visual communication.

Introducing new information
- What we are going to talk about today is…

- Let me begin by explaining why/how…

- I’d like to give you some background information about…

- Before I start, does anyone know…

- For example,…

- A good example of this is…

- As I said at the beginning,…

- This relates to what I was saying earlier…

- The significance of this is…

- This is important because…

- What is very important is ……

Task 1. Match the terms in Column A with the correct definitions in Column B.



  1. Information technology

  1. the act of organizing people to accomplish the desired goals and objectives of a business.

  1. Business model

  1. the use of computers to store, retrieve, transmit, and manipulate data or information.

  1. Business management

  1.  a company's plan for making profit.

Text B
Task 2. Read the text bellow and then discuss the following questions.
1. What is the role of technology in business?

2. What is the importance of technology in communication?

3. How is new technology useful in modern life?


  1. Over the years, technology has caused an explosion in commerce and trade. Because of technology, many traditional business models and concepts were revolutionized. Technology gave us the opportunity to see things from a new perspective, and to approach what we were already doing from a new perspective. Technology also gave us greater efficiency for conducting business.

  2. Some of the areas in which technology is crucial to business include point of sales systems, the use of ICT in management, accounting systems, and other complex aspects of everyday business activities. Even something as simple as the calculator, which was revolutionary in its time, came about because of technology. 

  3. Communication is a part of business. So, transportation and processes make business a web of complicated processes that interplay with each other. With technology, it has been possible to globalize business operations. Now, just about anyone can do business practically anywhere, from any room in their house.

  4. Technology has made it possible for businesses to have a wider reach in the world. The best example of this is the internet and the World Wide Web. The internet is now a crucial part of any businesses’ marketing campaign, as it enables the business to attract customers worldwide.

  5. Technology, when well-integrated with business, has made life itself worth living. It would be foolish to deny, however, that there are also threats to business brought about by technology. These include malicious activities by activities and organizations, such as hacking. Because of this, it is important for businesses to exercise responsibility when using technology to conduct business. With the good that technology brings, there is some bad that must also be dealt with. All the same, it is something that's worth all of the baggage, and we must acknowledge and responsibly utilize it to make our businesses better.

(Adapted from https://smallbusiness.chron.com>)
Task 3. Are the following statements (1-8) true, false or not given according to the Text B?
1. Over the last five decades, technology has caused an explosion in commerce and trade.

2. Technology enabled us to see things from a new perspective.

3. Even the calculator is a product of technology.

4. Transportation and processes make business a web of complicated processes that affect each other.

5. Technology has globalized business operations.

6. Technology in business hasn’t made it possible to have a wider reach in the world.

7. There are no threats to business brought about by technology.

8. With the automated processes that technology can provide, productivity in business generates a higher level.
Task 4. Match the sentence beginnings (1-6) with the correct endings (a-f) to make a short summary of the Text B. Read the Text B again if necessary.
1. Over the years, technology has caused an explosion in……………

2. Technology also gave us greater efficiency for ………………….

3. Transportation and processes make business a web of complicated processes that interplay with ……………………

4. The internet is now a crucial part of any businesses’ marketing campaign, as it enables the business to attract ………………

5. Technology, when well-integrated with business, has made life itself …………

6. These include malicious activities by activities and organizations, ……………
a) each other.

b) such as hacking.

c) conducting business.

d) worth living.

e) customers worldwide.

f) commerce and trade.
Task 1. Match the words in Column A with the correct definitions in Column B.



1. explosion

a) unkind and showing a strong feeling of wanting

to hurt someone.

2. attract

b) to use something.

3. malicious

c) the gaining of unauthorized access to data in a system or computer.

4. hacking

d) to make someone interested in something so that they do it or come to see or hear it.


e) a very large increase in the size, amount, or importance of something over a very short period of time.