Файл: Учебное пособие по профессиональному иностранному языку для студентов 3 курса.docx

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1. In order to maximize performance, it's important to understand how an individual's decision-making process is influenced by their own ……………..

2. We are living and working in a ………………………………………………

3. Businesses that employ people from various nationalities, working together under one roof and all facing the same challenges and critical decision-making moments, reap untold benefits from ………………………………………..

4. Awareness about different styles of decision making can help inform …………

5. There are a lot of factors to consider when you're working in a team, and we all manage them on a ………………………………

6. Many people fall into the day-to-day hustle and don't always remember to think about your team holistically, including how you can make………………………

  1. the diversity of their approach.

  2. cultural beliefs and background

  3. the best use of the diversity you have.

  4. global society

  5. daily basis

  6. your role as a manager

Task 1. Match the words in Column A with the correct definitions in Column B.



1. background

a) an idea that you believe to be true.

2. diversity

b) a feature of something that makes it less useful than it could be.

3. belief (s)

c) to accept and include something.

4. drawback

d) the type of family, social position, or culture that someone comes from.

5. reinforce

e) to make or change something especially for a particular  purpose.

6. incorporate

f) the fact that very different people or things exist within a group or place.

7. embrace

g) to make a situation, process, or type of behaviour stronger.

8. tailor

h) to include something as a part of something else.

Task 2. Read the Text B again if necessary and find the words which have a similar meaning to the following.
1. to a large extent (paragraph 1)

2. work in the same building (paragraph 2)

3. in the interest of (paragraph 1)

4. every day (paragraph 3)

5. complete (paragraph 4)

6. prepare for (paragraph 3)
Task 3. Complete each sentence (1-8) with the most appropriate word (a, b or c).
1. Cultural ……………constitutes the ethnic, religious, racial, gender, linguistic or other socioeconomic factors and values that form an individual’s upbringing. 

a) belief b) background c) drawback
2. Culture consists of the …………………, behaviors, objects, and other characteristics common to the members of a particular group or society.

a) beliefs b) history c) quality
3. Cultural …………… is a group of diverse individuals from different cultures or societies.

a) diversity b) background c) image
4.  Cultural diversity should be ……..., because with it comes a myriad of benefits.

a) embraced b) influenced c) taken
5. Organizations with stronger cultures are generally more ………….. and have high productivity levels.

a) successful b) miserable c) working
6. When you …………… a company, tax regulations depend on the type of business you select.

a) receive b) incorporate c) embrace
Task 4. Form nouns, verbs and adjectives from the following words.




1. retention

2. satisfaction

3. assumption

4. incorporate

5. embrace

Task 1. Watch the video with Erin Meyer, the Business Speaker. She is talking about how cultural differences affect business. Discuss the following questions in groups.
1. How long has she studied the effect of cultural differences on global organizations?

2. What situation in her career influenced her to study cultural differences?

3. What does KY mean in Japanese culture?

4. Why is it important to study different cultures in management?

5. How does she explain the role of leadership in different cultures?

6. What does she mean by ‘today’s world is interconnected’?

7. What examples does she give about German and Saudi Arabian cultures?
Task 1. Work in pairs. Role-play one of these situations with your partner. Use phrases from the Useful language box.
Situation A:

Most of the foreign people living in the UK generally speak moderate or medium sized English. In the contemporary world, English is the medium of communication, especially in the management assignment and workplaces in the most countries. Speaking English in the workplaces is the most effective and vital for working persons in all over the world. Thus, employees should improve and develop their communication skills in English.
Student A: a HR manager

Student B: a foreign employee
Situation B:

There are distinctions in public relations management assignment between the work culture of Kazakhstan and Japan. There are distinctions on the basis of talking habits with one another, collaboration habits and the model of integrity. The Japanese employees working in the companies of Kazakhstan are having different working cultures than the Kazakh working people.
Student C: a Japanese employee

Student D: a Kazakh employee

Giving opinions
- The best course of action is to………

-I see things a little differently from you………..

-Well, I think we probably have to ……….

-It seems to me that …

-It’s a complicated/difficult issue, but …

-My opinion was best expressed by … when s/he said/wrote …

-To summarize my (rather complex) views on the matter, …

Task 2. You are a HR manager of the international company. Write 10 questions to ask new foreign employees about their culture and ways of working. Discuss your questions in groups.
Reported speech is when we tell someone what another person said. To do this, we can use direct speech or indirect speech.

Verbs come more past.

Direct speech

Indirect speech

Marat said, “I want to organize the production of the work, as well as the workforce.”

Marat said that he wanted to organize the production of the work, as well as the workforce.

Marat asked, “Do our employers look for candidates with at least a bachelor's degree with a concentration of courses in the areas of economics and management?”

Marat asked if their employers looked for candidates with at least a bachelor's degree with a concentration of courses in the areas of economics and management.

Marat asked, “Do our employers look for candidates with at least a bachelor's degree with a concentration of courses in the areas of economics or management?”

Marat asked whether their employers looked for candidates with at least a bachelor's degree with a concentration of courses in the areas of economics or management.

Marat asked, “How often do you have a business trip?”

Marat asked how often I had a business trip.

Note: When the reporting verb is in a present or future tense, we do not change the tense of the verb inside the quotation marks.

For example, Direct speech: She says, “I will come”.

Indirect speech: She says that she will come.

The tense in indirect speech is not changed if the words within the quotation marks talk of a universal truth or habitual action.
Task 1. Match the direct speech expressions in Column A with the indirect speech expressions in Column B.


Direct speech


Indirect speech

  1. here

  1. the week before

  1. last week

  1. that

  1. next week

  1. that morning

  1. now

  1. the next day

  1. this

  1. that night

  1. this morning

  1. that day

  1. today

  1. the day before

  1. tomorrow

  1. the next week/ the week after

  1. tonight

  1. then/right away

  1. yesterday

  1. that night

Task 2. Change the direct speech into reported speech.
1. He said, “All people have equal rights.”

2. Murat said, “I may meet him here.”

3. He says, “I will go to work tomorrow.”

4. He said, “She is coming this week to discuss this.”

5. They said, “We cannot live without water.”

6. He said, “the earth is round.”

7. He said, “I should call my boss.”

8. She said, “I can speak perfect English.”

9. She asked, “Where is your office?”

10. He asked, ‘Have you ever been to Japan?”

11. He said, “I'm leaving to The UK today".

12. She asked, “Is the meeting on Wednesday or Friday?”
Formal emails are often used to send an email to someone we don't know well. A formal email is also the right choice for some business situations.

A formal email has a defined structure: opening paragraph, body paragraph and closing paragraph.
A type of formal emails:

  1. An email to a customer

  2. A job application

  3. An email to your manage

d) A complaint to a shop

e) An email from one company to another company
Task 1.Which phrases are an appropriate way to start a formal email?

  1. Dear Mr Piper,

b) Dear Sir or Madam,

c) Hi Tim,

d) Hi there Tim,

e) Morning/Afternoon/Evening Tim,

f) Hello again Tim,

g) Good morning Tim,

Task 2.Which phrases are an appropriate way to end a formal email?

  1. Yours truly,

b) With best regards,

c) For your information

d) Yours sincerely,

e) For Attention of

f) Best wishes,

g) To Whom It May Concern:

h) Yours faithfully

i) With many thanks and best wishes

Task 3. Put the phrases in the correct order to make sentences.
1. I / forward / meeting / you / to / look.


2. hearing / to / forward /look / you /from / We


3. to / speaking / to/ soon / forward / you / I / look.


4. on / forward / to /seeing /We / look /Saturday / you.


5. look / possible / your / to / receiving / as soon as / reply / forward / I.

Task 4. Read the descriptions of the emails (1-4) and then match them to the opening lines of the emails (a-d).

  1. Helen Dupont emailed a woman called Martina Schulz, an applicant for a job. Helen wanted to know if Martina was ready to work with them.

  2. Helen Dupont emailed an employee to inform about his/her dismissal from the company.

  3. Helen Dupont sent an email asking for more information about a conference. She did not know the name of the person who will read her email.

  4. Helen Dupont emailed a client to confirm about the order.

a) With reference to your enquiry today about delivery of your order, I can confirm that it will be ready on Wednesday this week.

b) Dear Sir or Madam, could you send me much more detailed information about the conference which…….

c) Working with for the past two years has been an excellent experience. Unfortunately, we have to inform you that our company has no longer need of your services.

d) My name is Helen Dupont and I am the Human Resources Manager at Ranson Training Services. I am writing to you because we have received a copy of your CV and we would like to know if you are interested in collaborating with us.
Task 5. Complete the spaces (1-6) in the sentences of the model formal email with words in the box.

team experiences career forward inform meeting

To: Team Members

From: Marketing Manager

Date: 29 June 2019

Subject: Team building meeting invitation
Dear Team Members,
This is to 1)………………… you that the Marketing Department is organizing a Team Building Meeting for all our staff members on 2nd July, 2018 at Meeting Audi- 1 from 11a.m till 7p.m.
In order to grow in our 2)………….., it is extremely important that we grow together and that can only happen if we work as a 3)………….. so that our skills and talents synergize to bring better results. That is the result our department keeps organizing various team building activities from time to time.
At this event, we have organized a 4)………………… in which all team members will be asked to share their 5)………………….. as the team member. They can also come up with suggestions which restrict them from delivering the performance they expect to. There will be also indoor games along with a lunch sponsored by the Company.
We look 6)………………………. to your presence at this team building event which is been organized for helping each one of us to grow.
Best Regards,

Sadhu Singh

Marketing Manager

Fullerton Technology Ltd
Task 6. You are the Project Manager. You work for Fullerton Technology Ltd. Write a formal email to your team members proposing the business idea that you would like to discuss with them during the next meeting.

Task 1. Complete the table below with the correct words.





Words: punctuality; timeliness; lateness; groups, networks city; values; arts; country; technology; institutions; organizations; community; village; beliefs punctuality; timeliness; lateness;; tattoos; home; clothing; building; artefacts;
Task 2. Read the situation below and then discuss these questions.

Kalia works in a large business, managing a diverse team of eight individuals. Two of her employees are in their early 20s, two in their 30s, three in their late 40s, and one in her late 50s. Four members of her team are Japanese and the other four are Chinese, Russian, European, and Kazakh. Her younger employees are fairly new, having been there for less than two years. Most of her team members have worked with the organization for 5 to 10 years, and her most senior staff has been there for 25 years, 10 years longer than Kalia has been in his leadership position.
Generally, team members are cordial to one another on the surface, but Kelia knows that there are tensions

among some of the staff that have an impact on the success and productiveness of the team.

(Adapted from Case Study 3: Building a Multicultural Team—Is it Worth it?)
Discussion Questions:

1. What strategies do you recommend to Kelia to help him improve her cultural intelligence?

2. What suggestions do you have for Kelia in leading her staff to be a culturally intelligent team?

3. Explore why cultural diversity matters in the workplace and how multicultural teams can benefit the organization.
Task 3. Write a short report (over e-mail) about a mediation meeting. Include: what kind of conflict the employees had and how the conflict was resolved.