Файл: Учебное пособие по профессиональному иностранному языку для студентов 3 курса.docx

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Task 1. Match the words in Column A with the correct definitions in Column B.



1. multinational

a) the main offices of an organization.

2. conceptualization

b) combine with another to form a whole.

3. headquarters

c) the process of spreading or supplying something.

4. integrate

d) a result of a particular action or situation.

5. distribution

e) a company operating in several countries.

6. frontline

f) a person or thing that is a part of a leading.


g) formulating an abstract idea.

Task 2. Match a line in A with a line in B to make word combinations as they are used in the Text B.



1. coordinating

a) network

2. matrix

b) flow

3. product

c) management

4. multinational

d) committee

5. regional

e) line

6. distribution

f) framework

7. work

g) corporation

Task 3. Complete each sentence (1-6) with the most appropriate word (a, b or c).
1. A ……… corporation or worldwide enterprise is a corporate organization that owns or controls production of goods or services in at least one country other than its home country.

a) well-known b) multinational c) entrepreneur
2. An economic crisis may have huge ………… for our global security. 

a) consequences b) news c) idea
3. Many immigrants have found it difficult to ………… into American culture.

a) need b) form c) integrate
4. Coca-Cola has its …………… in Atlanta, Georgia. 

a) headquarters b) manufacturing c) experiences
5. ……… managers are the managerial glue of a business, responsible for many important day-to-day operations. 

a) Sales b) Creative c) Frontline
6. …………means to spread the product throughout the marketplace such that a large percentage of people can buy it.

a) Distribution b) Retailing c) Business
Task 4. Form nouns, verbs and adjectives from the following words.




1. comprise

2. distribution

3. coordinating

4. integrate

5. structure

Task 1. Watch the video with a senior manager talking about different essential skills on how to succeed in a Matrix Organization. Complete the following sentences with words and a phrase in the box below.


ambiguity units relationships reporting structures environments

1. In a traditional organization, the vice-president is the head of various business ……… and functions.

2. In a traditional organization, work relationships and ………. are clearly defined.

3. Succeeding in a matrix organization is about learning how to work with less structure and more ………………

4. Leaders need to work differently across all ………………, including virtually.

5. To develop the new skills required to build strong working ………... for a new type of organization.
Task 2. Watch the video again with the senior manager talking about the five essential skills on how to succeed in a Matrix Organization. Match the names of the skills (a-e) with the different five essential skills (1-5).
1. The first skill

2. The second skill

3. The third skill

4. The fourth skill

5. The fifth skill
a) Understanding and appreciating differences.

b) Managing conflict.

c) Building trust.

d) Having structure conversation.

e) Influencing others.
Task 3. Watch the video again if necessary and discuss the following questions.
a) What are management skills and why are they important?

b) Which of the skills is the most effective in managing? Why?
Task 1. Work in groups of 3-4 students. Use phrases from the Useful language box and discuss the advantages and disadvantages of a matrix organizational structure.
Take into consideration the following points:
Advantages Disadvantages

Project manager assigned Two or more bosses

Communication and coordination Competition and priorities

Visible project objectives Hard to control

Maximum of utilization of resources Complex Communication
Group A: The advantages of a matrix organizational structure

Group B: The disadvantages of a matrix organizational structure.


Building an argument and expressing opinion

- In fact, this is not entirely true.

- Some people claim ………………………

- We could consider ……………

- My option would be to …………..

- I’m not sure I agree with you there ……………

- Another way of looking at it is that ……………..

- I’m in two minds about it, really ………………….

- The important thing is to……………………….



Used for



Future Simple

a) predicting an event that is likely to happen in the future;

The vice president will promote you to a management position.

The vice president will not promote you to a management position.

Will the vice president promote you to a management position?

will be +pp
The team will be invited to the new project.

Future Continuous

a) an action which will be going on at a certain time in the future;

will be +Ving
Marat will be writing his project work.

Marat will not be writing his project work.

Will he be writing his project work?

will be being pp
At 8:00 pm tonight, the project work will be being done by Marat.

Future Perfect

a) an action which will have been completed by a certain time in the future;

will have pp
Marat will have completed the project before the deadline.

Marat will not have completed the project before the deadline.

Will he have completed the project before the deadline?

will have been pp
The project is going to have been completed before the deadline.


be going to

a) an action which is going to happen. This is common to talk about plans, decisions and firm intentions.

be going to V
A HR manager is going to retire after 40 years of service.

A HR manager is not going to retire after 40 years of service.

Is he going to retire after 40 years of service?

be going to be pp
His debts are going to be paid by me.

Task 1. Complete the sentences (1-10) with verbs in brackets in the correct form (Future Simple, Future Continuous Tense; Future Perfect and be going to).
1. “Mr. Brown, I've got some questions about this job. Could you tell me what I ……………(be responsible) of?

2. I need to finish my current projects in the Sales department before I move over to Marketing. I probably …………(start) my new job a week from Monday.

3. A speech …………(give) on time management.

4. I hope the real estate manager ………( sell) our house by next month.

5. The meeting………(attend) by all the members.

6. He ……….(work) on this project this time next year.

7. The product ………(release) by next month.

8. The company………(meet) partners this weekend.

9. This KPI …………(measure) the efficiency of your workforce to see how long it takes for them to accomplish certain tasks and goals that have been set for their position in the company.

10. This work ………….(complete) in summer by Peter.
Task 2. Fill in the gaps in the sentences with the correct form of the verbs.
1. As for the right way to ask for a promotion, your actions …………on the specific conditions of your position, performance and workplace.

a) will depend b) depends c) depend
2. Just think, next Monday you ……………in your new job.

a) work b) will be working c) will have worked
3. The changes ……………… by the deadline.

a) will have been implemented b) will implement c) is going to implement
4. An expert ……………how to use the new product.

a) demonstrate b) will demonstrate c) demonstrating
5. They ………………(open) a new office next Monday.

a) open b) are going to open c) is going to open
6. The goal ……… to ensure the profitability of our company’s activities to drive sustainable development and long-term success.

a) will be b) are c)will being

Reports generally involve presenting your investigation and analysis of information or a problem, recommending useful actions and making effective proposals.


includes the name of the author(s) and the date of report preparation.

Executive Summary

is a general overview of the report. Some people will read the executive summary and only skim the report, so make sure you include all the relevant information.


 You will explain the problem and show the reader why the report is being made.


are the analysis of the problem.  There needs to be several sections, with each having a subtitle.  Information is usually arranged in order of importance with the most important information coming first. In this paragraph you should be able to explain graphs, results, budgets and numbers).


is what you think about the facts and how you interpret them.


are practical suggestions to deal with the situation and ideas for making sure activities are carried out more successfully.

Linking words

-Sequence: First…..,Second ….,Finally

-Addition: In addition to this……/ Moreover

-Contrast: However……/ On the other hand

-Cause and result:…due to…./ As a result…../Therefore

-Personal attitude: Clearly …./Apparently
Formal language such as the passive form is generally used in reports.

For example,

An increase of sales is expected in two months.

Fourteen jobs were created in the Sales Department this year.

It is recommended that we hire a new sales representative.
Task 1. Complete the sentences of the model report in Task 2 with words in the box.

had was is written was carried out recommend is based were observed

Task 2. Match a line in A with a line in B to number the model report in the correct order.



1. Title

a) The information in the report 1).……………. on a week-long investigation into the matter by three members of the Human Resource Department. The three-member team interviewed staff, checked administration records and observed working conditions. Recommendations are made in this report on how to decrease the high rate of staff turnover at the centre.

2. Executive Summary

b) One of the first things that the team noticed was the lack of training of the personnel in handling a call. Each employee 2) …………. their own system of dealing with an issue. Where a process needed to be explained, different employees would provide different steps. In many instances, the employees felt frustrated because they had not been trained how to handle an issue and were merely guessing at the solution.

When the staff survey 3)………………….., it was found that the most common complaint was about the working environment. Although a fifteen minute break every three hours was promised, in reality the long queue of callers on hold meant that a break was impossible, especially during peak hours. The lunch break was usually shortened for the same reason.
The employees work in teams of eight, supervised by a team leader. The team leaders 4) …………………. to criticize and correct the employees when they made mistakes, but never to praise the employees when they did well. Interviews with the team members confirmed this.

Finally, many employees complained that there 5)………… no chance of decent career progression. Team leaders are paid only very slightly more than the team members and have to work slightly longer hours. The centre is run by three managers, who were sent there from headquarters rather than being promoted from among the ranks.

3. Introduction

c) To address these four main issues, we 6)…………… the following steps be taken:

A team of three full time training officers should be hired by the centre. These officers should be tasked with organizing a proper training session for all incoming staff. The staff must be trained on company procedures as well as basic and advanced customer service skills.

The number of help-desk operators should be increased by 10% during peak hours. Centre managers must ensure that break and lunch hours are not shortened or skipped.

3. A workshop should be held for team leaders and they should be trained on how to give appropriate feedback – constructive criticism and praise.

4. Team leaders should receive either a pay increase or an improved annual bonus in order to reward their greater contribution, At least one manager should be promoted from within.


d) The main issues that we found were as follows:

1. A lack of training leads to employee frustrations and disillusionment.

2.The hectic working environment, due to understaffing, means employees cannot socialize and do not enjoy their work.

3. Employees are reprimanded but never praised, leading to employee disillusionment.

4. Employees do not perceive that they are able to better themselves by remaining in this organization.


e) Report on Staff Turnover in Kingsley Helpdesk Operation

Submitted November 14, 2015


f) Working conditions are the demands, environment and terms of a job that influence the satisfaction of employees. However, incorrect environment in the workplace can reduce staff productivity and cause problems among employees.

This report 7)……………….. at the request of the Chief Financial Officer in order to investigate the high turnover rate among employees in the Kingsley Helpdesk Operation. My research shows that there is a need for taking measures, which I have outlined in this report.

Task 3. Write a report. Use the statement below.
As a member of a project team, write a short report of your findings and a list of action items for the project manager. Define your recommendations for improving the project work. Think up to fill in the details.