Файл: Практикум Челябинск 2020 удк 811 ббк 81. 2.docx

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Task 4. Find the synonyms to the following words. Activate them in sentences.

















make easier










Task 5. Read Grammar References in Annex Table 8 «Participle». Practice this grammar material in following exercises:

Exercise 1: Translate and name the form of Participle.



The garden was full of laughing and running children.

Could you pick up the broken glass?

The woman sitting by the window stood up and left. p

I walked between the shelves loaded with books.

Be careful when crossing the road.

Having driven 200 kilometers he decided to have a rest.

Invited by our friends, we visited their new house.

I felt much better having said the truth.

He looked at me smiling.

Built by the best architect in town, the building was a masterpiece.

Not having seen each other for ages, they had much to talk about.

Exercise 2: Make sentences using Participle I Simple.

For example: He was jumping down the stairs. He broke his leg. – He broke his leg jumping down the stairs.

Tom was watching the film. He fell asleep.

The students opened their textbooks. They looked for the answer.

Julia was training to be a designer. She lived in Milan for 3 years.

They are vegetarians. They don’t eat meat.

Jane was tidying up her bedroom. She found some old letters.

Exercise 3: Make sentences using Participle I Perfect.

For example: He handed in his test. He had written all the exercises. – Having written all the exercises, he handed in his test.


She went to her car and drove off. She had closed the door of the house.


I sent him an SMS. I had tried phoning him many times.


We moved to Florida. We had sold our cottage.


His head was aching at night. He had studied all day.


He knew all the rules by heart. He had read that textbook several times.

 Task 6: Find Participles in the text, translate them and explain their form.



Task 7. Answer the questions to the text. Analyze the information from the text and give your own opinion.

1. List the capabilities of the smart house, indicated in the text.

2. Indicate the pros and cons of a smart home.

3. With what pros and cons you disagree?

4. Give your examples of the probable abilities of a smart home.

5. What features of the smart house do you use in your life?

6. What possibilities of a smart home would you like to install in your home?

Task 8. Retell the text using standard phrases from the Annex Table 1 «Standard Phrases for Retelling, Report and Presentations”.

Task 9. Search for additional information in the Internet and prepare the topic and the presentation «Modern Devices for a Smart Home». Use standard phrases from the Annex Table 1«Standard Phrases for Retelling, Report and Presentations”.

Text 6. Convenient Devices

Many devices have been invented today to make human life easier, but the inventors do not think to stop there. New ideas appear constantly, and new startups often are launched. Many projects have already confirmed their functionality and development has been put into production.

Sitpack Zen X: compact transportable chair.

The Sitpack Zen chair provides a respite for your feet during any movement: from trips to the mountains to concerts on the square.

There are always moments in life when you want to relax, but there is simply no place to sit. When sightseeing on excursions, waiting for transport at a stop, during the trip or or just long walks, it is often almost impossible to find benches - they are either not there or they are occupied. The folding chair from the Danish company Sitpack solves this problem easily. It can be unfolded quickly, holds a weight of up to 136 kg, and you can adjust the most comfortable height with the telescopic leg. The chair can be taken anywhere - it is the most compact model in the world and can be put easily in a bag or backpack.

Modobag suitcase scooter.

Why do you have to carry your own luggage if you can ride it? Modern industry offers a variety of suitcases and bags to make traveling as comfortable as possible. Accessories are equipped with wheels and telescopic handles, chargers, GPS trackers and even scales to control the weight of the luggage. But still, you have to walk with your luggage, and all this clever filling will not help much when you need to run to avoid being late when changing for the next flight. But the owner drives on a Modobag suitcase scooter himself. The suitcase is equipped with a telescopic steering wheel, a footrest, a speed control and a braking system. The suitcase can travel up to 10 km on a single charge.

Sweepovac: built-in kitchen vacuum cleaner

With this device, you do not need a dustpan and do not have to remove the vacuum cleaner and pull it to the kitchen.

The kitchen is a place that needs to be kept clean constantly to remove food crumbs and other debris from cooking. It seems that a little thing that is not worth paying attention to, all you need is a dustpan and a broom. But this is also a waste of time, and you have to bend over, straining your back. The built-in Sweepovac kitchen vacuum cleaner allows you to do it without a scoop and takes up very little space. It is mounted at the bottom of the kitchen table, and it is almost invisible. It is very easy to use it - with a brush you sweep away debris and switch it on by pressing the start button with your foot. You can also connect a hose to the vacuum cleaner to clean hard-to-reach areas. A very practical solution that simplifies cleaning greatly.
Practical tasks

Task 1. Read and translate the text, write out new words.

Task 2. Find the following words and word combinations in English in the text, translate them into Russian. Complete the table. Learn them. Make sentences with them.



to invent





to be equipped with

telescopic steering wheel

braking system

speed control



waste of time

Task 3. Translate words from the text from Russian. Learn them.

Complete the table.





компактный, портативный



решить проблему







Task 4. Complete the sentences. Translate them into Russian.



Many devices are invented to ____________________________

human life____________________, but the inventors do not think ____________________.

Many projects have their __________________________

already confirmed and the development was started in ________________.


can be unfolded quickly, holds a weight _____________

kg, and with ________________

you can set the most convenient __________________________.

The accessories are with __________________________

and _______________________

and even __________________ equipped.

With the __________________


you can do without a shovel.

You can also use a ___________

to the ______________________


Task 5. Revise grammar theme Tag-Questions using Grammar References in the Annex Table 2 «The main Types of Questions». Ask questions to the text.

