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Task 6. Read Grammar References in the Annex Table 4 «Verb Tences. Active Voice. Examples», Table 5 «Verb Tences. Active Voice. Formation» grammar theme Past Continuous. Practice this grammar material in following exercises:

Exercise 1: Put verbs in the following sentences in form of Past Continuous.

She (to write) _______________________a letter at 6 p.m last evening.

Her father (to go)____________________ to the art gallery when he

(to meet) ___________________________her mother.

At 8.20 yesterday morning my mother (to drive) ___________________me to the university.

They (to sit) ______________________________at the café at that time.

She (to study) _____________________________in the library when they suddenly called.

I didn't take my umbrella. It __________________________ when I left home. (rain)

Last night at 10 o'clock my brother _________________________ for his exam. (prepare)

Everyone _____________________in silence (sit) when the teacher came.

I don't know what the teacher (talk)________________________ about,

I (listen)_________________________ at that time.

A man _____________________ along the road when he saw a cat. (walk)

Exercise 2. Make sentences using «as», «while», «when».

Kim was crossing the street. He saw Jane.

I was serving the table. She dropped a glass.

She was driving home. The engine broke down.

Jake and Kiley were leaving the shop. The police officer stopped them.

The children were playing. Their mother was cooking.

I met Victor in the street. He was running quickly.

Task 7. Retell the text using standard phrases from the Annex Table 1 «Standard Phrases for Retelling, Report and Presentations”.

Task 8. Search for additional information in the Internet and prepare the topic and the presentation «Convenient Devices». Use standard phrases from the Annex Table 1«Standard Phrases for Retelling, Report and Presentations”.
Text 7. Unusual sports

We all heard about chess and boxing, but do you know about bossaball? What about bo-taoshi? Our world is full of all sorts of oddities, and unusual sports only confirm this fact. If we look closer at other countries, we can notice a lot of interesting things.

Bo-taoshi is translated from Japanese as "knock down a pillar" and this is a very active sport. Each team is made up of 150 members who are divided into 75 attackers and 75 defenders. What is the goal? Of course to knock down a pillar of opposing teams.

Quidditch. This game was described first in series of novels about Harry Potter and has recently become increasingly popular. Quidditch competitions are most commonly held on campus. Quidditch is a great opportunity to make your dream come true and enter the world of magic by not just taking a broom during cleaning.

Carrying women - according to the rules set out in the World Championship for Carrying Women, a man can either carry his own wife or a neighbor's wife as a burden, or must find her elsewhere. In addition, a woman must be over 17 years old and weigh at least 49 kilograms.

Bossaball - this crazy sport was invented in Spain, but later found fans in other countries. The game takes place on a huge inflatable field with trampolines, the ball can be hit with any part of the body, the players of one team have the right to a maximum of 5 touches until the ball flies over the net to the field of another team. This sport is a mix of gymnastics, soccer and volleyball.

Gagaball. This game is particularly popular in summer camps and is originally from Israel. Gagaball looks like “bouncer”, with the difference that the entire action has to take place inside the wooden octagon, and the participants in the game knock each other out with a ball under their knees to get rid of the enemy.

The Coopershield Cheese Race. This annual competition takes place near the English town of Gloucester (Cooper's Hill, Gloucester), from the top of which they roll the head of traditional Gloucester cheese. The task of the participants is to catch up with the cheese and roll it down the mountain. Cheese accelerates to 112.5 km / h during this race. So there is no reason to talk about the actual persecution of this bait. Overall, the winner is the one who first crosses the finish line, and in return the daredevil gets ... cheese.
Practical tasks
Task 1. Read and translate the text, write out new words.

Task 2. Find the following words and word combinations in English in the text, translate them into Russian. Complete the table. Learn them. Make sentences with them.



to knock down


to accelerate


to get rid of






to cross the finish line


Task 3. Translate words from the text from Russian. Learn them. Complete the table.



вид спорта




воплотить мечту

поклонник, фанат



летний лагерь




Task 4. Ask questions to the text. Translate them into Russian.



Task 5. Complete the sentences. Translate them into Russian.



1. The game______________________

takes place on a huge inflatable field with trampolines, ________________

can be hit with any part of the body.

2. In the competition______________


a man can either carry his own wife or _______________________________

as a burden.

3. _____________________________

competitions are most commonly held on campus.

4. In the game ____________________

each team is made up of 150 ________

who are divided into 75 ____________

and 75 _________________________ .

5. _____________________________

looks like “bouncer”, with the difference that the entire action takes place inside the wooden________________________ .

6. The task of the participants in the competition______________________ is to ___________________________

the cheese and to ____________ it down the mountain.

Task 6. Read Grammar References in the Annex Table 7 «Verb Tences. Active Voice. Examples», Table 8 «Verb Tences. Active Voice. Formation» grammar theme Future Simple, Future Continuous или Future Perfect. Practice this grammar material in following exercises:

Exercise 1. Complete the sentences choosing Future Simple, Future Continuous or Future Perfect. Tick the right form in the table.


Future Simple

Future Continuous

Future Perfect

1. I (to do) ___________________________

my homework tomorrow.

2. I (to do)__________________________

my homework at six o'clock tomorrow.

3. I (to do) __________________________

my homework by six o'clock tomorrow.

4. You (to play)_______________________

table tennis at eight o'clock tomorrow?

5. The secretary (to type) ____________________________________

the contract before the director comes to the office.

6. The director (to sign)_________ __________the letter the next day.

7. He (to be) _________________________

a student by this studying year.

8. I hope I (to buy)_____________________

clothes by the time my brother arrives.

9. As soon as I (to come)______________________________

to my native town, I (to help)


my father.

10. When I come home tomorrow at 2 p.m., my family (to have)_______________________________


11. When you come to the office tomorrow, I (to prepare) __________________________

the contract by that time.

Exercise 2. Complete the sentences using Future Perfect:

By the end of the spring we (pass) ____________________________five exams.

________you (eat) _____________anything by the time the bus arrives?

By the time he is 30 years old he (make)__________________________ his first million of dollars.

Our plane (land) __________________________________by 9 o’clock.

I think she (not finish) ___________________her essay by Wednesday.

________________our favourite programme already (start) _________________________by the time we come home?

_______________the workers (build) __________________________the swimming-pool by next autumn?

I hope the train (not leave) _______________________before we get to the station.

Task 7. Ask your own questions to the text.

Task 7. Retell the text using standard phrases from the Annex Table 1 «Standard Phrases for Retelling, Report and Presentations”.

Task 8. Search for additional information in the Internet and prepare the topic and the presentation «Unusual sports». Use standard phrases from the Annex Table 1«Standard Phrases for Retelling, Report and Presentations”.
Text 8. Dixon
Dixon is the northernmost settlement of our country. It was founded just over 100 years ago - in 1915 on Dixon island in the Kara sea. The name of the island, as well as the settlement, was given in honor of the Swedish entrepreneur Oscar Dixon, who funded the expedition of the polar explorer Adolf Erik Nordenskiold in the seventies of the XIX century. And in Russia at that time, the island was more often called "Kuzkin", in memory of some Russian sailor and industrialist named Kuzma.

In 1915, a coal base for naval vessels was established here, and the first two wooden houses were built. With them, the development of the village began. The official day of its Foundation is September 7, 1915, when the polar radio station was opened here. Currently, part of the settlement is located on the island, and the other half on the Taimyr Peninsula. They are separated by the Yenisei Bay, the width of which in this section is about one and a half kilometers. Almost all of Dixon's residents live on the mainland.

Currently, the village has just over 500 inhabitants. Thirty years ago, Dixon had a population of more than 5,000. It has an airport and a seaport (it is also the northernmost in Russia). The port began to be built in 1934, it was supposed to be one of the most important points of the Northern sea route. Nowadays, the port's cargo turnover has significantly decreased. Navigation lasts only three months a year. Dixon is probably one of the smallest localities to have its own printed publication.

Since March 31, 2006, the local administration has published the weekly Dixon Bulletin. It also operates Dixon high school, which has 30 students. Dixon has a sister city. It is located in the United States in the state of Illinois and has the same name - Dixon. However, the American Dixon has nothing to do with the Swedish entrepreneur. It is named after the owner of the local ferry, John Dixon, who lived here in the first half of the nineteenth century. Former US President Ronald Reagan spent his childhood in this city.

In 1988, during Reagan's lifetime, a monument to him was erected there. And there are three monuments in our Dixon. One of them is set in honor of the sailors who defended Dixon during the great Patriotic war. The second is dedicated to the polar Explorer Nikifor Begichev, and the third to the Norwegian Peter Tessem, a member of the expedition on the schooner "Maud" under the leadership of Roald Amundsen. In 1942, the German battleship Admiral Scheer entered the Kara sea. The fascists tried to block the movement of ships along the Northern sea route.

On August 25, 1942, the battleship fired on the Soviet icebreaker Sibiryakov, killing 85 sailors. Then the guard ship Dezhnev and the coastal artillery joined the battle, and the Admiral Scheer was forced to retreat.

The climate in Dixon is harsh. The average temperature in August is just above four degrees Celsius, and the average annual temperature is minus eleven degrees. On February 7, 1979, the thermometer in Diskon dropped to minus 48 degrees. There is a polar day from May to August there, and a polar night from November to February.